best buy undercoat paint?


Registered User
hey all,
looking to under coat all the rooms in our home before we paint them. Whats the best options to do this regarding quantity (sittingroom, hall, stairs, 3 bedrooms and ceilings in all rooms) and the best deal for prices ??
Thinking of starting this evening any advice would be great
I just used the Woodies own brand white emulsion, and found it fine for both ceilings and walls. I think for an undercoat there's no need to buy an expensive brand as you'll probably end up putting two coats of the topcoat on anyway.

Are these newly plastered walls? In which case, prime them first by diluting the undercoat 10 parts paint to 1 part water.

Re quantity, I'd say you'll need probably 20 litres of it. Most DIY stores will have special offers on their own brand paints over the bank holiday weekend.
We used big tubs of Dulux bog-standard Brilliant White Matt Emulsion on our walls as undercoat. Although, we would probably use own-brand stuff if we were buying again now.

A big tub (10l?) covered the ceilings in a sitting room and three bedrooms. It then also provided two coats of undercoat in the sitting room. (We had a minor disaster where previous walls hadn't been properly primed and the old paint just rolled away when new paint was applied, so we put two coats of undercoat to try and even out the colour differences.)

We needed another 5l tub to undercoat the boxroom and main bedroom, with some left over now for the second bedroom.
pardon the ignorance but whats primed and why should you prime a wall or ceiling? the walls at the moment are painted various colours ranging from orange to purple from the previous owners.
Priming is done on bare plaster to ensure that the paint has something to grip on to. If you have existing paint, then you don't need to worry about it.

(As Sherman said, if you need to prime, you can water down your emulsion or, as we did, fork out for separate primer.)
Woodies brand is fine, was recommended to be by a painter & I have never had cause to change my opinion of it.
i recently painted my fully refurbished house and painted the undercoat straight onto entire new plastered walls with ease by using Atlantic HC brand just for the undercoat.

i never used any primer(never heard of it until now)
Ah but X-Man, it was probably your type that caused my painting problems. Yours is probably sitting nicely on the wall, but the next person to paint over it will find that the pressure from the brush or roller will cause it to come away from the wall!!!
sun_sparks said:
Ah but X-Man, it was probably your type that caused my painting problems. Yours is probably sitting nicely on the wall, but the next person to paint over it will find that the pressure from the brush or roller will cause it to come away from the wall!!!

i gave all walls 2-3 coats with the real paint and zero probs.the only prob i had with peeling was if trying to paint onto plastered wall when not completely dry.
I recently painted a couple of freshly plastered rooms.I was advised to use a primer like evobond. I diluted it 1:5 with water and it was like painting with milk but from what I could see it seemed to do a very good job.
painting - what a pain!
