Best Buy Table


Registered User
Hi is there an updated best buys table for mortgage interest rates.

Hi there, It's difficult to do a single best buy table with mortgages, as it depends on your individual needs, likely hood of moving home, paying early, attitude to risk, ability to repay etc.. That said, our best mortgage rates ultimate review here, does give a pretty good overview of the rates side by side for the key categories and might be useful.

We favour long term fixed rates for most people as they act as a kind of insurance policy by capping your repayments.

We don't think it is sensible to assume you will want to or be able to switch again after your fixed period ends, so we believe this is the fairest way to look at it.

We use the Average Percentage Rate of Charge (APRC) to compare different mortgages, this is the average rate you will pay for a particular mortgage across the whole mortgage term. We use this as it factors in not just the fixed period, but also the variable or follow on rate that you would come out onto afterward.

Hope this helps.

Thanks, Mark
I was just looking for update on this one.

@help999 The rates in that table (and the rest of the thread) are up to date – they include the rate increases by Finance Ireland this week.

The main table shows the rates for a loan-to-value (LTV) ratio of less than 80% ("LTV<80%"), but the subsequent tables show the rates for other LTV brackets.