Best Airline/Seats for long haul travel


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Will be travelling to OZ in 2006 ....

A lot of the airlines are similar in price anyone better to travel with in terms of seat comfort, service etc ??
Is there much difference between say Qantas, British Airways or Virgin ?

Which would be the best seat on the plane for a long haul flight (apart from first class )

Would normally go for the bulk head seats but would be afraid there would be lots of kids in these seats due to the cot thing they can attach to the bulkhead seats.....??
Travelling from Gatwick with BA to Florida a couple of years ago we got middle aisle seats by the escape hatch ( think thats what its called) so we had loads of leg room but we had the seats booked in advance. Not so lucky coming back we were given ordinary seats and we were hunched up unable to move because people in front put their seats back to sleep!

Whoever you travel with you can get the layout of the seats and pre book your chosen seat. Not so nice if you get next to a crying baby (but then the poor things can't help it ) try and select the seat before. Things are changing all the time with service on airlines. We got good service on BA but that could have changed.
Have flown to Australia a few times. Both Singapore Airlines and Thai Air have comfortable seats and offer very good food and bev services. Whatever you do, do not fly with Brittania (don't know if they are still about). They are charter flights that fly from London who do very good prices. However, it is not worth saving the 100-300 euros as the seats are very small and cramped. Pay the extra money!
Emirates has a good distance between seatback and the front of your seat. (Do they call it seat pitch?)

Another advantage is that you can stopover in Dubai for a few days in each direction.
Just returned after living in Oz for 9 am familiar with that route...If you travel BA, they code-share with Qantas so you could end up on a Qantas plane or vica verca....For service, I'd definitely go with Singapore if their prices are competitive. If you have a choice transit through Singapore as opposed to Bangkok. Lovely airport where you can have a shower and a few relaxing hours as opposed to Bangkok where its smelly, too small and the amenities are very average! Have a great trip! Oz is a brilliant place to visit!
Thanks for all the advice....

Got a good price with great connections for a cathy pacific flight ....anyone used them ?

Also found a great site
I flew with Virgin to LA a few years ago and found the plane to be quite cramped.
I flew to Oz with Malaysia Airlines and the leg room was very good. I remember checking it out at the time on the internet or somewhere and there was a huge difference with some airlines. Took and internal flight with Quantas and found them alright also. Enjoy your trip
Cathay Pacific

are all classed as 5 star airlines at; [broken link removed]