Being an accountant and having just moved jobs I feel I am very able to contribute
Accountancy Solutions - Awfull and not afriad to say that, never got back to me with opportunities had to consistently call them, did not get one single interview
Accreate - Excellent got me my current job - also had numerous other interviews lined up for me
Brighwater - Again excellent, plenty of interviews, very helpfull guy would always email full details of who I was meeting and the background and map to company etc...
Recruiters on Grafton street - Again awfull and would really want to watch themselves seen as they are new to the market, to put it another way that may not be around in a few years time.
In summary maybe cast your net as wide as possible and seek interviews directly from the companies you would like to work for i.e. send the a nice email with your cv or see if there website as a link where you can send them your cv like e&y or KPMG have
good luck