Bespoke Software Support Costs


Registered User
Does anybody know what the charges might be to support a bespoke software application. The particular application I am thinking of typically does not generate more than one call per year. However the provider must be available to take a call, maintain the knowlegebase, be available to answer questions, and, if required, make changes. If the original s/w cost was in the region of 60k, is there an industry standard for what the software house might charge, given the low support demand.
Hmmm, ideally this should have been part of the original discussion and contracts with the vendor. A no. of factors would impact the cost, e.g. support hrs (9 to 5 or 24x7?), and response times. Is the software totally unique or just a variation on what they've sold to other customers? Cost for support & changes may also be different, depending on level & complexity of changes. From a commercial point of view, what's it going to cost them to provide the service & what can you afford to pay for it. Ballpark for a maintenance contract, I'd be looking at 10% pa.
thought 20% was more the going rate for bespoke SW. This would include, as mentioned not only knowledge base, but patches and call resolution, your business requirement will dictate the times of the call support e.g. 24x7.

Alternatively, if you know there will be very few calls, you could try to enter a contract where you buy "calls" with cost based on turnaround time of call.

Support would be 5-9 but there client is liable to call mobiles at any time or day of week. However actual support level is about 1 call per year.

The s/w is totally unique.

Any enhancements will be billed for separately