Berties Hypocrisy!



Ive just heard an excerpt of an interview with the 'premier' on the radio. He says that he thinks the DUP know that the Good Friday Agreement cant be changed as it was put through with a majority vote by the people! What about NICE, Bertie??? What about NICE??

I've always preferred Hob Nobs, I have to say. Those NICE biscuits tend to stick in my fillings.
What does he know ?

Sure, doesn't Bertie know that it's only our side can change our mind when we realise we passed something by mistake. Constitution, sure we can change that when we know what we mean but just can't get the wording right. Only applies to our side mind you, we're not going to let anyone else change the goalposts. If we did that there would be goalposts all over the place. We're the only ones allowed move them.