
Anyone know whatever happened to Bertie Ahern ?

Is he in hiding?

He's a backbench TD. What do you expect him to be doing ?

The last time I heard him mentioned around Leinster House, he was showing the Paisleys around.
I think he spends most of his time looking over his shoulder just in case an impromptu Lynch mob has formed behind him...
Last I heard he was recording a remix of the Shaggy hit song "It wasn't me" called "the Lehman Brother's remix".

It may have been stalled as Bertie was looking for artist's exemption.
Last I heard he was recording a remix of the Shaggy hit song "It wasn't me" called "the Lehman Brother's remix".

Like Bart says " I did'nt do it ,nobody saw me do it , you can't prove a thing"

He's a backbench TD. What do you expect him to be doing ?

Saw him ,when watching tv,some months ago sitting on an aisle seat on the last row ,waiting to slip out unnoticed . Looks like there are no more envelopes to open
"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. And like that, poof. He's gone."
Happily pocketing his expenses of course!

€2250 for April - unvouched. Was he getting a helicopter to the Dail every day or what!
When things get back to relative normality in this country, and people are in an even semi-reflective mood, I really think history will judge him as the most shameless chancer ever to "lead" the country. I seriously think he might have to worry for his safety.
The last time I heard him mentioned around Leinster House, he was showing the Paisleys around.

I though it was terrible that the old bigot (Paisley) and his wife were even allowed in Leinster House! What is wrong with people, have they forgotten the ranting and raving and bile that man preached - and from a pulpit too. Best thing to do now with the likes of the Paisleys is to ignore them and eventually they will die out and no lose to society either.

For years he stoked up hatred of Catholics for his own end. How many innocent people died because of him preaching hate? From his humble beginnings leading a lynch mob up the Falls in 1966, right up to the Good Friday agreement. A hateful old man.
Now he is wheeled about like some kind of statesman. Very short memories indeed.

Whilst I don't disagree with you, arguably much worse accusations can be levelled at many SF members, north and south.