Bertie - sticks & stones


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Was I hearing things (I couldn't see the TV at the time) or did I hear Bertie saying something like "sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me" in the 'house' yesterday? Perhaps I got it wrong, but if he actually did say this, then he has reached a new low of immaturity. I haven't heard this phrase since I was about 10 !! (and even then it sounded a little childish).
I think he said 'Sticks and bones will break my bones........' which is even funnier!
There was a compendium of "Bertieisms" on Today FM this morning. Hilarious. If only I could quote them correctly!
stobear said:
I think he said 'Sticks and bones will break my bones........' which is even funnier!

Yes he did make the mistake and say the above! My god ...this man upsets me loads! my bones
Judybaby73 said:
Yes he did make the mistake and say the above! My god ...this man upsets me loads! my bones
I've been amazed at the lack of criticism of him after he uttered the above immortal words. What have we come to that we just let this sort of thing pass? I'm embarrassed FOR HIM and I dread to think what someone outside the State might think of us if Bertie is supposed to be representative of us. I've emailed the Irish Times letters page just to try and get some views on it. Can't believe the whole country aren't laughing their heads off at him. Shame on him.
Audrey said:
I've been amazed at the lack of criticism of him after he uttered the above immortal words. What have we come to that we just let this sort of thing pass? I'm embarrassed FOR HIM and I dread to think what someone outside the State might think of us if Bertie is supposed to be representative of us. I've emailed the Irish Times letters page just to try and get some views on it. Can't believe the whole country aren't laughing their heads off at him. Shame on him.

Absolutley Audrey...what an embarrassment to us all! This isn't the first time either. Is it nervousness or just stupidity?:eek:
His behaviour makes me cringe and really the Bertie we saw is typical of the era, portraying the stereotypical "Paddy" as a bit slow and entranced with leprechauns and fairies!!!!
Does anyone remember his line when Albert pushed Charlie out and Bertie said, "I never thought it would have came to this.”?

The question is would anyone understand Enda "nigger" Kenny?
At least Charlie knew how to hold his knife and fork (and tuned heads with his nice shirts).
Purple said:
Does anyone remember his line when Albert pushed Charlie out and Bertie said, "I never thought it would have came to this.”?

The question is would anyone understand Enda "nigger" Kenny?
At least Charlie knew how to hold his knife and fork (and tuned heads with his nice shirts).

No ...can't justify anything Charlie said or did.BAD apple whether he turned heads...or had manners!
I think criticism of the Bert is bound to be muted when you have the 'leader of the free world' making far worse verbal gaffes on a far larger world stage.
Sherman said:
I think criticism of the Bert is bound to be muted when you have the 'leader of the free world' making far worse verbal gaffes on a far larger world stage.

hee hee...very true! Well said!