Bertie in the cabinet .

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But he is becoming a sports columnist. He is not writing about politics are current affairs which is his area of 'expertise'. Can't imagine Tony Blair writing a daily gossip column for the sun or Bill Clinton writing for Playboy!
.. Can't imagine .. Bill Clinton writing for Playboy!

Actually .. !

"the nervous young intern tiptoed cautiously into the Oval Office. The president, enjoying a cigar at his desk looked up and their eyes met .."
Terrontress, you are correct. It would not be such an issue if he was not a td or an ex - Taoiseach. But he is. Thats the whole point. He is demeaning the office of Taoiseach by doing this ad. He just seems addicted to publicity. Can't wait to see Jay Leno's take on this.

I don't think that the ex-Taoiseach element is an issue. If he was the current Taoiseach then it would be a big deal but he is not. In saying that, I am not sure when he started to write for NOTW but he was definitely well in with them while he was in office.

I think the reason why he might be writing about sports is that he is a keen sports fan but does not have the experience to write as an expert. The same as many people so the idea is that he articulates what a lot of people are thinking.

People are projecting their disappointment with Bertie's tenure and with FF and Ireland in general on to this advert and I don't think it is warranted.
People are projecting their disappointment with Bertie's tenure and with FF and Ireland in general on to this advert and I don't think it is warranted.

I couldn't care less about Bertie and his legacy. I do have a problem with the ex leader of the Country and a sitting TD prostituting himself to the same media who he accused of hounding him out of office. Once he leaves public life, he can write whatever and for whoever he wants. Until then, he should get on with doing the job that he is being being paid for. When did you last hear Berte make a comment on a serious issue that impacts on the people that he is supposed to represent. We are paying this guy a huge salary.
IWe are paying this guy a huge salary.

And pension - almost €100k according to today's paper. Not to mention the cost of his state car which he'll retain until he pops his clogs.

That's almost €200k, plus car/driver plus expenses (not to mention his "engagements" at several thousand a pop and yet hes feels the need to squat at the back of a cabinent for the sake of more from red-top rag. All happening at a time when people are suffering as a consequence of policy decisions taken when he was in charge.

The man is a disgrace. The extent of his disregard for the general public is truly breathtaking.
My wife reckons that if they attack Child Benefit, there'll be 50,000 Mammys and buggies descending on Kildare Street and all 'mad as hell' !
Outrageous - 50,000 men with no dinner on the table when they get home. That's can be right.
The bottom line for me is that anyone who is fond of Bertie, needs their head examined...
Either way ,having a former Taiseach in a Kitchen cabinet looking like the fool that he is ,is wrong on so many levels..

Can you picture any of these for example doing that ad;
Éamon de Valera.
Seán Lemass
Jack Lynch
Garret FitzGerald
Fact is I believe he should not have done the ad,he is being paid a huge amount of money by us, has a driver paid for by us ,Pension etc..and it is an embarrasment to the office of Taoiseach .
You are incorrect, it is not that I just cant stand the man,any former T that would do such a stupid thing I wouldn't hold in high regard.
How do you know
"anyone who is fond of the man will like the ad"[/QUOTE
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