Bertie in the cabinet .

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Do we have a choice?

I think we do have a choice in so far as making a statement as a people, that this is simply not good enough. The old folk did it with the grey effort last year. The general public (me included) are happy enough to moan about everything on a forum or over a bar counter but we're just not motivated enough to actually march on the Dail and do something about it.

My feelings are that peoples attitude are like as long as "I'm alright jack" then, theres no need for me to personally march. Imagine if this was France - the Dail would have been burnt down by now. The messers and thieves and scum that have destroyed this country (you know who they are) would be lynched by now. But for some reason, we just don't do anything about it. We let them away with it again and again and again.

Imagine if all the people who were laid off over the last 2-3 years marched on the Dail - that would be 200,000 people or so - if they alone marched, what a statement that would make.
We need reform, we need change but the people who make those changes are the ones in power - the only way to change this catch 22 is march on them and kick them all out once and for all.

I hold my hands up, I'm not doing anything about it either. I guess thats where the root of the problem lays.
@elefantfresh; Unfortunately no matter how much we march/protest, the reality is that we still have this huge deficit and we have to pay.We don't want too and we shouldn't have too, but until we get a government who are prepared to right the wrongs ,I don't hold out much hope.

Wasn't there a protest last week and the grand total of 1.500 people showed up..

Possibly its not about us just going on internet forums and moaning but rather trying to come up with a realistic ,fair way of doing so.Because the government are certainly not doing this..


I had been thinking about this, would I ever be radicalised/motivated to march. The only conclusion I have arrived at is that as long as these marches are being organised by the 'fringe', (e.g. SF, Richard Boyd-Barrett types, Joe Higgins types) then I'll be staying at home and shouting at the TV instead !

Can you elaborate on this...what is your bone of contingent with the left?
Can you elaborate on this...what is your bone of contingent with the left?

I don't have a bone of 'contingent' with the Left, just with those I referred to. No matter how bad things now are, I shudder to think how they could be if any of them were charged with deciding and implementing policy.

Yes, I'd agree but the only alernative would be protests organised by more mainstream such as eh...Fine Gael. That raises other issues.

The problem of course is that the disaffected aren't organised into particular groupings that would enable to protest en masse.

Maybe we should just wait until the grey brigade get hacked off again and row in behind them.
Maybe we should just wait until the grey brigade get hacked off again and row in behind them.

My wife reckons that if they attack Child Benefit, there'll be 50,000 Mammys and buggies descending on Kildare Street and all 'mad as hell' !

That'd provide good cover for me to stand at the back
Ah leave Bertie alone ..he is only in the cabinet counting the £50,000 that he had no Bank Account to deposit in .

Imagine that ..a Minister Of Finance (at the time) without a Bank account ?? lol ..only in Ireland would you get away with that excuse .

"Sitting on the sidelines, cribbing and moaning is a lost opportunity. I don't know how people who engage in that don't commit suicide because frankly the only thing that motivates me is being able to actively change something,"
I think that there is not much wrong with the ad, especially given that he is a paid contributor to the News of the World.

The problem is that people are so fed up with their current situation that they will jump on any excuse to bash FFers. Similarly to how everyone jumped on Cowen after his night on the lash. If things had been going great then nobody would have minded. Any other advert featuring Bertie would probably have elicited the same response.

I am on speaking terms with several people who work for the Irish version of NOTW and while the paper is a Murdoch rag which appeals to the lowest common denominator of society, the guys who work there are all quite decent and intelligent.

Sure they are but why does a sitting TD need to sell himself to any newspaper. Is he even going to talking about politics? I thought TD's barely had any time to themselves they work so hard and yet Bertie has found time to launch a book, write newspaper articles, travel the world to give speeches, appear at every sporting event etc etc. He is not doing his job of representing his Constituants. So you can add his seat to Donegal, Dublin South and Waterford as being empty. Not only the HSE that has room for redundancies.

Well, the idea is that sitting TDs come from various backgrounds and it is their background in industries which gives them expertise to propose and vote upon changes.

There can be no doubt that Bertie is a skilled person and a great communicator otherwise he would never have reached the position he did. Tony Blair, the king of spin, has a particularly good word for him in his memoris. Surely it is only natural that he would attempt to use that skill in writing.
Not much wrong with the ad?? Em, a former Toaiseach sitting like a fool in a kitchen cabinet,for and ad for the News of the World..

Sitting in the cabinet would be an issue but this is an advert. A parody. It didn't happen. And as former Taoiseach he is under no more obligation than the average TD. If we was former Taoiseach and not in Leinster House would it be such an issue?

I don't think "everyone " jumped on Cowen..And I don't think "nobody" would have minded..and not only are people fed up with their current situation they are fed up with how the country is being run.
and are liable to use non-related issues to highlight this.

Bertie works for them and he is neither decent nor intelligent..IMHO.
I have never met him but I have heard others speak well of him and Cowen.
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