Bertie in the cabinet .

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What do people think about a former Taoiseach in an ad for the News of world,drinking tea in a cabinet?

Personally I cant stand the man.

Apart from that, the fact that he should not bring the position of Taoiseach into disrepute..the fact that he looks like the fool I think he is..the fact that he has a driver/pension etc and does not need the money..The fact that he writes for The News of the world...
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I haven't seen the ad, yet, but the OH has being ranting about it all weekend. And she had FF in her DNA.

Between him and his successor, the dignity of the office of Taoiseach and public respect for politics has been badly damaged.
I think he has sunk to a new low. With his book and now his writing in the NOTW it gives him the air of a real money grabber!
Maybe people should boycott the newspaper until they drop him.
Hard to boycott a paper no one reads.

And yet they have large sales! Difference between no-one reading it and no-one admitting to reading it! I wouldn't touch it but people still buy the rag. Each to their own I suppose.

Off topic a bit but struggling to find a decent Sunday Paper. Like the SBS but I enjoy reading about sport. So then I settle on the times or the tribune. Don't like the new layout of the Tribune so stuck with the Times which is ok but is still an English newspaper at the end of the day.
I think he has sunk to a new low. With his book and now his writing in the NOTW it gives him the air of a real money grabber!

I agree, I saw it last night without knowing about it first and it's a poor reflection of his former position.
Maybe we've reached an age of politicians as 'celebrities' - Tony Blair cashing in with his autobiography, and I read recently that Carla Bruni is encouraging Sarkozy to not run for a second term but to cash in like Blair.
Afetr the next election, maybe Brian Cowan could write the financial advice column in the Star!
Afetr the next election, maybe Brian Cowan could write the financial advice column in the Star!

I hear he is going doing bar reviews for the Herald and the odd guest appearence in the International bar's comedy night.

Actually I really like the new Tribune, hated it beforehand and hardly ever bought an Irish sunday, just the Oberver, but I've bought the Tribune last few weeks and plan to keep doing so.

On-topic, is he actually wearing the infamous yellow suit in the ad? The man has no shame, maybe given the reputed source of his "income" he should be giving racing tips rather than writing about football!
I wonder will he try to pull a "Conor Cruise-O'Brien" and claim that his ramblings in the NOTW should come under the Artist's exemption.
I'm astonished at the depths he's prepared navigate for the sake of a quick buck, particulalrly when he's still a full-time TD and pursuing "d'after dinner speaking gigs".

He also likes to pass himself off as a bit of a statesman from time to time, but, really, it's hard to imagine Bill Clinton or Nelson Mandela posing at the back of a cupboard for a redtop.

And this man has notions of becoing President?
If Fianna Fail want to know why so many people are disillusioned with them Berties ad sums it all up. They have lost the spirit that made them great.

Would men like Sean Moylan have done this ?

That's the thing I don't understand. He is still a full time td. It's a joke. The guy does nothing. Sooner he is out of public life the better. Then he can make a tit of himself all he likes. I hope he goes for president. Would be a fun campaign!
He is a full time TD, and obviously his driver,(whom we pay for ),brought him to do the ad and waited around for him to finish as apparently he had to go somewhere straight after the ad was done.
I think it does sum up the government, its a joke and we are the butt of it..
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