bertie and gangs pay rise


Let them sit in the heavy traffic also and they'd sort it a lot quicker than they are doing so now.

They could also try the squash on the Luas lines at peak times. They'd replace the smaller trams a lot quicker also than they are presently doing. Pickpockets have a field day.

Bet ya they'd also insist on trams running between Heuston and town at peak times on the red line which would help a lot. This was mentioned in the early days of set-up but has never happened.
We all complain but is there any way to actually do anything about these pay rises ? It makes me sick to see these guys getting so much, when they've done little or nothing about healthcare & infrastructure etc during the biggest boom this country has ever seen.

Can there be a public vote of no confidence in our government ?
Fintan O'Toole made a good point in the irish times a few days ago. He says the independent board that recommended the pay hikes did so on the grounds of the 'unique accountability' that Ministers have. However, having watched Mary Harney blame Susie Long's death on 'the system', Bertie did the same; Hanfin also blamed the 'education system' for shortcomings, you'd wonder where the accountability comes in. Only at the end of 4 years..........but even then the public nor even the rank-and-file membership of the party has any influence over the appointments of Taoiseach or Ministers.
If they claim a 'unique accountability' to justify these pay raises, let them take the bullet for the 'system's failings' and not hive it off.
Can there be a public vote of no confidence in our government ?
Yes, it's called an election.
I agree with them that it's the system. I just wish any politicain had enough power to change the system, but they don't.
I just wish any politicain had enough power to change the system, but they don't.

So why are we paying them such high salaries? I loved Berties defence of Noel Dempsey. He won't sack him because "He is doing the job to the best of his abilities and should be allowed get on with it"...I could pay someone €50,000 to do the job to the best of his abilities. For the salary that Noel Dempsey is on I expect someone with the ability to do the actual job.

But again there is no form of performance appraisal for these guys. People mention elections but our system means the politics is about local issues. You could be the worst minister in the world at a national level but build a few schools in your local area, and you will be elected again and then you just have to hope your party gets into power and you are probably minister again. Why not have these same consultants who gave the pay rise do annual performance appraisals on ministers performance based on clear measurable objectives and goals. At least that way we might feel like we are getting value for money. What penalty does Noel Demspey get if he fails to deliver a fall in waiting times for driving tests by nest June? Sorry for picking on Noel Dempsey. Same argument could be used for all them. Speaking of incompetence, where is Martin Cullen these days?
We all complain but is there any way to actually do anything about these pay rises ?

not pay taxes where possible ? not spending money in Ireland where possible ? ....its our taxes paying for these guys + their fat pensions + perks
Who do you blame for this focus on local issues - the politicians or the voters?
I agree with them that it's the system. I just wish any politicain had enough power to change the system, but they don't.

If they can't change the system then what the hell are they doing there in the first place. System schmistim... it's always somebody (or something) elses fault. They do have the power to change the system.... that's their job. Whether they choose to exercise that power is another matter.
Exactly! - It's not "the system" it's the people running "the system". But we are to blame too because we need to make them listen to us by putting pressure on them to clean up imo. Not complaining about it on forums...
So you would vote for a party that wants to close your local hospital because it's in the national interest? Yea, right. They tried that and it didn't work.
Our PR system leads to weak government so all actions have to be populist and that never solves anything. If we change it we will have FF and I for one don’t want that! So what’s the solution? I don’t know but blaming the titular head of a government department for shortcomings that are institutional and have been the norm for generations is juvenile. Politicians are part of the problem and have to be part of the solution but they are only part of it.
not got the power to change the system????

How about the rise and rise of private hospitals? Doesn't this just fit in with PD thinking? And who's the Minister for Health? Not a PD by any chance????

The buck stops with the head of the relevant government department, nobody else. It is their responsibility and theirs alone. They are the leaders and decision makers. By all accounts that's why they award themselves exhorbitant salaries. This isn't a juvenile argument, it's a fact. Whether they choose to exercise the power entrusted to them is their responsibility and ultimately ours come the next election. Being defeatist and shrugging our shoulders certainly won't change things. If they want to change institutional shortcomings they have the power to do it. Have they the will though?

Incorrect, strictly speaking they are not in charge of policy, that is the responsibility of the political head, the Minister. They have an input into policy and are in charge of operational issues. Interestingly, while some of the opposition stated that the increase of the Taoiseach was "disgusting", none of them actually said they would reverse it if in power. In some ways it suits the opposition as they know they can blame the Government but will pick up this easy money if/when they are in power.
Should have made myself clearer... by "head of government dept" I meant the Minister.