bertie and gangs pay rise

The government, like the best and most honourable rulers, are leading from the front on this. So roll on my 14% pay increase! I just have to head in to the boss this morning and run it by him...
Does that mean that the rest of the workforce should be benchmarked against other economies?
Our PR system means that we get weak government and loads of elections so the job security is not good. The problem with the economy is not the few million we spend on our politicians, it's the billions they spend badly and the ten odd billion we pay to our health service staff.
It may well be hypocritical and/or politically stupid for them to take big (or any) pay increases but from an economic perspective it is totally irrelevant.
The government, like the best and most honourable rulers, are leading from the front on this. So roll on my 14% pay increase! I just have to head in to the boss this morning and run it by him...
I can't wait to tell my customers in the USA, Germany and the Far East that they have to pay more for their goods because I have decided to pay everyone the Benchmarking increases that the public and protected sectors get with the next round of benchmarking (the last one cost the economy over a billion every year).
€200k per annum? Pathetic. How can we vote in a head of our country and just pay them a few hundred thousand. They should be paid about €5m if there was any sense here. Why not pay them €10m or €20m if we want a good job done.


I also heard that some boss in Enterprise Ireland is also getting a whooping huge pay increase. This money could be used instead to help or set up indigenous Irish enterprise.

It really is disgusting.
The argument supporting these salaries is often: "You pay peanuts, you get monkeys"

But what if you pay coconuts and you still get monkeys?

Well you vote the monkeys out of course - but this can't happen before the current coconuts have been enjoyed for quite some time.
How can we vote in a head of our country and just pay them a few hundred thousand. They should be paid about €5m if there was any sense here. Why not pay them €10m or €20m if we want a good job done.

Sold. Give me the 20mil, and a full five year term (that's 100mil total) and I'll have the place sorted.
And if I make a balls of it ye can just get someone else in to give it an auld go.
Bertie will need every cent of the increase and plenty more when the Mahon Tribunal finds against him for costs.

I have no difficulty in the concept of paying for qualified people who are set targets and have to deliver results in a PLC environment. (Steve Staunton as an example) who gets the boot when he fails to deliver on those results/targets. Our Politicans have no such accountabilty because the country's MD does not manage his team as they should be managed

Here, here.
I have no difficulty in the concept of paying for qualified people who are set targets and have to deliver results in a PLC environment. (Steve Staunton as an example) who gets the boot when he fails to deliver on those results/targets....

and Steve Staunton's qualifications are?...
I heard Bertie on the news on one trying to justify why he is paid more then Mr. Bush or Mr. Brown. He said he doesnt have NO.10 or the White House to live in. Doesn't he have Mr. Wall's house - no I forgot he paid cash for that.
Our Politicans have no such accountabilty because the country's MD does not manage his team as they should be managed

How can you say in a democratic system that our politicians have no such accountability? Do they not get booted out at the next election if we think they haven't done a good job, in the same way as any CEO or Steve Staunton?

Well said. Most Irish politicians are a waste of taxpayers money.
Most Irish politicians are a waste of taxpayers money.

We have supported a democratic system whereby we vote in the people we want to govern our country. And yet we get people saying 'most' irish politicians are a waste of our money.

What is your alternative proposal to the system we have for electing who we want to decide how our money is spent?
Our PR system means that we get weak government and loads of elections so the job security is not good

By my count we have had 4 general elections since 1990, with the senior partner in Government in power for 10 consecutive years and counting - hardly 'loads of elections'.

The first lesson in politics is that the electorate are 'fickle', so while job security may not be great, it's not something the candidates aren't aware of.

As compensation for the possibility of the electorate rejecting a sitting TD (for whatever reason e.g. incompetence, criminal activity etc), TD's have generous pensions and any TD that was a civil servant (e.g. teacher) has his/her position kept open for him/her if required to return to it at a later date, and it I know anything about the civil service, absence from the job (while TD) won't prejudice pension, promotion, seniority, entitlement to increments, benchmarking etc.

One other perk I became aware of recently is that former TD's have the use of Leinster House parking (for free) indefinitely - another few grand a year saved...
Originally Posted by Bedlam
I have no difficulty in the concept of paying for qualified people who are set targets and have to deliver results in a PLC environment. (Steve Staunton as an example) who gets the boot when he fails to deliver on those results/targets....

and Steve Staunton's qualifications are?...

I rest my case
What is your alternative proposal to the system we have for electing who we want to decide how our money is spent?

The point is, in this little country, the same population as a decent size city in many other countries, we have too many politicians ( Dail, Seanad, Presidency etc ) , and they are paid too much. The German ambassador who gave that speech about a month ago had a good eye on what was going on. Its laughable to think that de teeshock who speeks like dat and who enjoys a few cash kickbacks for de auld house from de lads in manchester, could be paid more dan de president of de united states or the PM of the UK.
Whatever about the rights and wrongs about the pay rises, I think their attitude in handling it has shown that these guys think the public are just a bunch of moaners who should consider themselves lucky to have them. Marin Cullen and Noel Dempsey to name but two do not deserve to be ministers considering their performances but nothing will ever happen because no matter how useless they are, they are still being benchmarked against successful people in the private sector who have probably acheived targets to reach the level they got to. What has Martin Cullen achieved since becoming a minister???