bertie and gangs pay rise


Registered User
Just heard that bertie and the gang are to get significant payrises between now and 2009, is it just me that thinks this stinks!
I think they get about the right amount at the moment and would not like to see increases above the average private sector rates.
As a civil servant myself, i actually think 'High level' civil and public servants get too much as it is..

cowen needn't bother raising taxes to pay for these increases either!

shame on them!
As a civil servant myself, i actually think 'High level' civil and public servants get too much as it is..

cowen needn't bother raising taxes to pay for these increases either!

shame on them!
I agree but I wouldn't put politicians into that category; I'm not aware of any civil or public servants who have to seek re-election every 5 years.
I think they have gone too far this time. These rises are way above the rate of inflation and it would be interesting to see how the salaries have risen in the last 10 years. It's a ridiculous notion that they can just grant themselves pay rises like this - quite disgusting really when you consider their performances recently.
They get far too much ( in excess of the US president and secretary of state if I'm not mistaken which is beyond belief) and there are far too amny of them.
You'd think our beloved politicians were finding it easy to pay their bills and taxes or something, thus the payrises.
I'm not aware of any civil or public servants who have to seek re-election every 5 years.

That's merely part of the job spec. If they don't want the hassle, they don't have to choose this line of work...
I'm not aware of any civil or public servants who have to seek re-election every 5 years.
Secretary-Generals, County Managers and many public sector Chief Executives are on fixed-term contracts of 5-7 years duration. Some of these contracts bar extensions, hence the 'musical chairs' effect of County Managers shifting to a new county as their contract ends.
They get far too much

Forget benchmarking against what George Bush gets - he doesn't even notice his salary.

Our leaders get far too little in my mind. The head of a modern successful country being paid a couple of hundred thousand is an embarrassment. Many of us are shareholders in companies where the heads are paid €10m+ and we don't blink. In fact we claim they are well worth it. If a country has come from nothing to become the celtic tiger, how did we reward the head of that country? €200k per annum? Pathetic. How can we vote in a head of our country and just pay them a few hundred thousand. They should be paid about €5m if there was any sense here. Why not pay them €10m or €20m if we want a good job done. We have a performance rating system - if they are not doing a good job we vote them out.
I was not aware of that, thanks. BTW, since we are not being pedantic any more I won’t point out that it’s Secretaries General, not Secretary Generals.
If I was in the political PR game, I'd employ an "independent" panel to review salaries with the instruction that they should recommend salary increases well in excess of what I was hoping for. I'd let the public uproar get going for a few days. Then I'd announce that due to belt-tightening, setting an example etc., we were all refusing to accept the recommendations of the salary review panel and were choosing to take a lower rise instead, i.e. the rise I expected all along. Soften everyone up for a harsh budget.
I believe we should pay top public and civil servants the going rates to get and hold good people. In regard to politicians I think we should do something similar except we have far too many of them. These increases are abhorrent in the context that every disaffected TD has been placated since the election with some non job with the sole point of increasing their salary. This week's Dail and Seanad Committee nominations being a case in point, also why do we need 20 junior minister's?

I agree with you that politicians and civil servants deserve to be well paid. Its a difficult job. I always hear this argument though about the public sector keeping hold of its people against private sector competition. Has anyone seen a report where is states how many top civil servants have resigned in the past ten 10 years to take up employment in the private sector. I would imagine turnover at the lower end of the civil service is quiet high but at the better paid higher end, I would be amazed if there was evidence of mass leaving. Why would you when there is no accountability. Last senior civil servant to be sacked anyone??

I agree with you about the Dail and Seanad committees. Biggest joke ever and all the parties are guilty of it.
I think they get about the right amount at the moment and would not like to see increases above the average private sector rates.

About right compared to who ? The Taoiseach will earn more than the German Chancellor, British PM and the US President !! Surely elected representatives should be compared to their peers in equivalent jobs, and not to the (unelected) private sector who are not paid out of our taxes.

Maybe its so much harder to govern our little country compared to the US, Britain or Germany ?
Matt Russell AG'S Office although I gather he kept his pension.

That must be 10/15 years ago and he pays the price for delaying extradiction of Brendan Smyth by getting early retirement on full pension...Tough life!!