What do you all think of the following sample of what can be bought in Berlin:
14 No. 2-bedroom Apartments - .. E1,020,000
+ Acquisition Costs - ................. E 112,200
Total Cost .............................. E1,132,200
Germany is a renting society and therefore voids are minimal and not even worth considering - it is not uncommon for a German apartment to be rented to the same person/family for a period of 15+ years. This means that one of the fourteen apartments would probably become empty each year and would be filled in a couple of weeks.
The rent is E74,706 which gives a yield of 7.32% compared to the 3-4% available in Ireland. This 7.32% is also alot better than a 7.32% yield in Ireland given the VERY low void periods.
You can obtain a mortgage in Ireland for a property here. I'd definately consider a building like this if I was in a financial position to do so. However, the barrier stopping me is the fact that you need a 20% deposit AND 11% towards acquisition costs (legal, etc.). This includes a 6.5% estate agents fee (in Germany, the buyer pays the estate agent as opposed to the seller.
14 No. 2-bedroom Apartments - .. E1,020,000
+ Acquisition Costs - ................. E 112,200
Total Cost .............................. E1,132,200
Germany is a renting society and therefore voids are minimal and not even worth considering - it is not uncommon for a German apartment to be rented to the same person/family for a period of 15+ years. This means that one of the fourteen apartments would probably become empty each year and would be filled in a couple of weeks.
The rent is E74,706 which gives a yield of 7.32% compared to the 3-4% available in Ireland. This 7.32% is also alot better than a 7.32% yield in Ireland given the VERY low void periods.
You can obtain a mortgage in Ireland for a property here. I'd definately consider a building like this if I was in a financial position to do so. However, the barrier stopping me is the fact that you need a 20% deposit AND 11% towards acquisition costs (legal, etc.). This includes a 6.5% estate agents fee (in Germany, the buyer pays the estate agent as opposed to the seller.