Benefits from taking out pension?



Can someone please tell me what are the benefits of taking out a retirement pension?

The main/obvious benefit is to provide for retirement income in addition to any other retirement income (e.g. state Old Age Contributory or Non Contributory Pension) that you might qualify for. There are also generous tax/PRSI reliefs on pension contributions and up to 25% of the pension fund value can be taken as a tax free lump sum at retirement if you choose. Somebody who does not already own their own home might want to prioritise that over starting a pension unless there are employer contributions on offer that they must match to benefit from.
There is no way to predict the future but there is a huge possibility that there will not be enough in the public purse to fund a decent pension for all the thirty somethings when they get to be pension age.
A lot of what we do in life is out of habit and it is as easy to develop a good habit as a bad one. If you dropped some of the habits that cost you money and use that to fund a pension you will be gaining on the double.