I am executor to an estate in which a small amout of beneficiaries have an interest.
The only asset is a property and unfortunately, these people were present during a few seperate valuations/estate agent pitches of said property.
Now because one auctioneer gave a ridiculously high price (in order to get the business I feel), the beneficiaries are shouting me down for dismissing it, thinking I am trying to sell the property short (of which I am a beneficiary and also have a strong interest). They are now advancing down the path to have me disqualified as executor to this intestate estate.
My question is...do I have anything to worry about? I mean, can an executor be overthrown (for want of a better word), and how long would such a process take? With a falling market, time is a big factor, and no time to be needlessly repeating done process(someones gotta administrate!)Bearing in mind the other people are all very young and/or disabled, it was obvious from the start that I was the only one capable of taking on the hassle of lettters of admin/probate/renovation of property/move to estate agents. Although everyone objected when I tried to get the property on the market 2 years ago (because they were sure prices were still rising, when I had full proof/knew they weren't), now they are all getting greedy, in spite of their stupid hard headedness 2 years ago.
Really, I am seeking some advice, as I am sick of the threatening messages I am recieving when all I am trying to do is the best for everyone, but at the same time I wouldn't trust any of the other beneficiaries to do this job.
Can I just get on with the job without having to consult/pay attention to the other beneficiaries?
PS I also put in almost 5,000 of my own money and 4 months labour to get the property to the high saleable standard it is in now, while everyone else sat and waited. grrr
The only asset is a property and unfortunately, these people were present during a few seperate valuations/estate agent pitches of said property.
Now because one auctioneer gave a ridiculously high price (in order to get the business I feel), the beneficiaries are shouting me down for dismissing it, thinking I am trying to sell the property short (of which I am a beneficiary and also have a strong interest). They are now advancing down the path to have me disqualified as executor to this intestate estate.
My question is...do I have anything to worry about? I mean, can an executor be overthrown (for want of a better word), and how long would such a process take? With a falling market, time is a big factor, and no time to be needlessly repeating done process(someones gotta administrate!)Bearing in mind the other people are all very young and/or disabled, it was obvious from the start that I was the only one capable of taking on the hassle of lettters of admin/probate/renovation of property/move to estate agents. Although everyone objected when I tried to get the property on the market 2 years ago (because they were sure prices were still rising, when I had full proof/knew they weren't), now they are all getting greedy, in spite of their stupid hard headedness 2 years ago.
Really, I am seeking some advice, as I am sick of the threatening messages I am recieving when all I am trying to do is the best for everyone, but at the same time I wouldn't trust any of the other beneficiaries to do this job.
Can I just get on with the job without having to consult/pay attention to the other beneficiaries?
PS I also put in almost 5,000 of my own money and 4 months labour to get the property to the high saleable standard it is in now, while everyone else sat and waited. grrr