Benchmarking software


Registered User
Does anyone know of any 'light' suites of benchmarking tools for benchmarking PC performance ?

I know there used to be a lot of them floating about in the old days when getting the last drop of performance out of your machine was really important because of the cost of hardware, but I don't seem to be able to find them as easily now.

The type of benchmarks I am talking about are the ones that give an index for performance against a standard level (as in . . . a benchmark). In the old days you could almost directly measure the increase in CPU performance (instructions per second for example) as the processor speed increased.

I know there are tools are out there for benchmarking gaming graphics cards throughput, but at the moment I am interested in things like memory access speed, disk I/O, CPU operations per second, etc . . .

The problem I am trying to resolve is poor performance among *some* machines which are nominally identical to others. I want to use the benchmarks to either rule in or out basic sub-system differences.

I know there used to be a suite available from/through but it's been ages since I used them and I can't find them at the moment.

I think that there are free/trial versions of the PCMark/3DMark tools too which might be worth checking. Also try SiSoftware's Sandra tool - again I think they have a free version.