Beko Appliances

I've no direct experience of BEKO but when my wife and I were first renting we bought our first TV, an SLX 21". It was the cheapest TV that could be bought at the time (7 years ago) and we still have it and it's going strong! I think non-branded electronic goods are a generally a good buy, particularly TVs, videos, stereo equipment and microwaves. I wouldn't buy a "cheap" washing machine- the cheaper manufacturer's don't produce "A" rated appliances- they cost money. Similarly I wouldn't buy a budget dishwasher- dishwashers are complicated appliances which use a lot of electricity so I'd plump for a branded machine. I had a Candy fridge freezer when we were on a budget and we found it to be excellent and good value for money too. Powerpoint appliances have a poor rating so I wouldn't touch them.
I couldn't disagree more Bahman!All my Appliances 28 Inch TV,Fridge(5Years)Freezer(8) years are all Beko,never had a problem.They don't fail any more or less than Brand name appliances from my experience,but when they do fail as all makes will...people tend to think that it's because they were cheap to begin with.For Example if it was a Phillips Fridge that failed people tend to think it's just that particular Fridge that was faulty...not the whole Brand.
The parts on my BEKO electric cooker are lighter than other appliances.
The door is lighter and broke easily.
That is a fact.
I am taking the word of the salesperson in the shop who told me they often have problems with large BEKO TVS.
Ours lasted one year.........not very good I think.
My MIL has a BEKO portable TV for 8 years and it is perfect.
Surely you should be dealing with the retailer and not the manufacturer if there are post purchase problems with the goods in question?
Just wondering if anyone had an update on this? I was let down by Currys for a Stainless Steel door Dishwasher and the only other one I can find is a Beko, without spending a small fortune.
BEKO are a nightmare in my opinion.
The glass door on my oven completely shattered and I am trying to get a replacement without any joy.....
Bamhan said:
The glass door on my oven completely shattered
In what circumstances?
and I am trying to get a replacement without any joy.....
Is it under warranty? Did the retailer help? Are you saying that parts are non standard or hard to come by?
When I moved into my house five and a half years ago, I was a complete pauper so I had to buy a beko fridge and freezer (half and half) as they were the only ones I could afford.

Five and a half years later, both are still going strong, so I would certainly have no problems buying this brand again.
Very happy with BEKO as well, have had a TV from them for about 5 years working fine, bought their fridge freezer and cooker from them recently as well. The picture on the first BEKO telly was a bit lopsided, about a cm, but I got sick of tilting the telly slightly with beermats and had it exchanged with no probs.
The cooker is two years old so not under warranty.
Apparently the model is no longer available so hence no parts available either.
The glass shattered when the oven door was being closed, the hinge had alread come loose so the door is a little lopsided and has to be closed with a little force and the glass just shattered when it was being closed.
I have ben onto the BEKO company and cannot get a new door......

The two BEKO appliances I have had were both of a very bad quality, TV lasted one year and cooker two....
The old dishwasher broke down permanently at christmas, so I bought a Beko one from Power City - it was the guts of €100 cheaper then the rest. It works fine, although there seems to be a knack to starting it - which is not really a good sign in a new machine.

We have a BEKO TV, at least 5 years old, and have never had a problem with it.