Beko Appliances



I was just wondering if anyone had any experience of Beko appliances (thinking fridge freezer, dishwasher), obviously they are cheaper than the more recognisable brands (probably for a reason) but I was wondering if they would do the job for a budget conscious FTB, or should I steer clear ?

Also, any thoughts on Zanusssi V’s Whirlpool appliances (Hob/Oven) would be most welcome.

Any thoughts/experiences ??

Many thanks
Fridge freezers can do that ?

What will those canny boffins come up with next ?

A thinking fridge freezer, well isn't that something else altogether.
When I moved into my house three years ago, money was tight and I bought a Beko Fridge and Freezer(seperates)

Both are as good as the day they were purchased.
My sister bought all BEKO appliances when she bought her first house about 2 years ago - Money was tight so she wanted to buy the cheapest she could find - she hasn't had any problems with any of the appliances. At the time she bought in Power City Fonthill and the SalesMan informed her that they were reliable and that PC wouldn't stock them if they gave trouble as they would have to deal with complaints.

She bought Wasking Machine, Fridge Freezer, Dishwasher , cooker and TV and no problems
I bought both a Beko fridge and freezer, not because of the price but because of the capacity and layout of shelves. They are still going perfectly after 5 years now without any problems.

Be very careful what you wish for about thinking fridges...

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You can now program them to reorder food for you via internet shopping when they sense you have run low on items!!!!!
beko - going ok

Bought a beko fridge freezer and washing machine 2 years ago - never any problems so far
listen to the beko

I almost succeeded in razing a house to ashes with the aid of a beko cooker. full points to the fire brigade.
listen to the beko

Was the cooker itself at fault or something else - like the wiring/installation, user etc.?
budget brand

I vaguely recall being told by a salesperson, probably in Power City or similar, that Beko products are made by a more familiar name, like Phillips or the like, but branded for a more budget market.
The implication is that the machine is good quality as it is made by a reputable company, not some cheapo manufacturer.

Can anyone verify this?
budget brand

> Can anyone verify this?

Didn't think so. As far as I know BEKO is a Turkish company with no links to Philips et al. and who manufacture their own goods.
beko = siemens

Thanks Bob.

Good to know I wasn't imagining it!

FYI I bought a Bosch fridge freezer 5 years ago and after 3 years the freezer handle fell off and this year the fridge handle fell off and they don't look easy to repair plus the rubber around the fridge is all cracked and about to break, so, the big brands aren't necessarily great either.

Beko sounds interesting. Are they a lot cheaper?

This might give you some idea of the relative prices of BEKO versus others:

[broken link removed] (
beko = siemens

If beko = siemens I hope the appliances are better than their phones.................
Has anyone bought the latest Beko Fridge/Freezer? bought one on the advice from the Sales Assistance not because it was cheaper( was told it was as good as any other fridge) and after 4 week the bulb holder needed to be replaced. Six week later I am still waiting for the repair to be done, in the mean time the fridge/freezer won't stay cold. Am fed up with it as it looks like I won't have a fridge that work's for Christmas. As for their Customer Service it's a joke. I'm going to have to buy an another Fridge/Freezer and it won't be a BEKO.
We have a BEKO electric cooker and the working parts are perfect but the doors are quite flimsy.
Thje salesperson said that they would not last as long as a more expensive brand and sure enough the door hinge is loose and had to be prepared.
Also we had a BEKO TV which gave up after one year.
Apparently their portable TVs are excellent but not their larger TVS.
I chose BEKO because it was cheap and we knew we would not be staying in the house for long and would want all new appliances when our house was built but if you are thinking you will make a saving lonterm I would say think again.
They do not last as long as some other brands.