being given family home

I would imagine you would have to buy her out.

But, you may also be entitled to live in it without having to buyer her out.

If your father divorces your mother he may get the house outright by court order.....guess you need good legal advice asap
Has your father taken independent legal advice? It is a good idea for him to lose his only asset? Has he considered what might happen if he needs residential care?
... my father wants to give me our family home as he is moving out with his partner and wants it to be in the family and that kindof thing...
Very confusing post as your father seems to be promising to gift you something that is not entirely his to give, and you both seem to be aware of that.

The first thing that needs to happen is for him to gain possession of what you describe as "our family home" and then he can dispose of it in any way he likes.
I also find this post confusing. You say your parents have been separated since 94 and that your father is 'is getting remarried very soon'. He would need to get a divorce first I think. Divorce usually involves a financial settlement. ?