Being frozen out at work

4 years is a long time to be suffering in a job you hate. Sounds like your not appeciated there time to move on. You done well to stick it out your a better man than me .I am a firm believer in the saying one door closes and another door opens , good luck to you.
Thanks for the replies . It does look like I have to leave but I do want leave with the process complete as it were .
Do HR have to do anything beyond telling me my complaint was upheld ?
Hi Toni
It’s worth keeping in mind that from 25th May this year, GDPR rules come into force. On this date submit an Employee Access Request for all data on your file, and all email/other correspondence where you are mentioned in it - including from your manager, management team or HR. They have 30 days to respond with the detail or will be in breech of Data Protection Regulations

This should show you the case files for the original complaints and the upheld one. Based on what actions are taken from the upheld one - I would consider taking legal action for bullying and constructive dismissal as @jim has noted.

If a number of previous complaints were rejected and a subsequent complaint for the same issue is upheld, then there needs to be an explanation as to why the original complaints produced false negatives. There should also be some sort of redress put in place. They cannot simply sweep it under the carpet.

I would give it two weeks - then contact HR to confirm what the next steps are etc?

But you do need to decide if you really want to continue working in the company or want to get out for your own well-being !
A complaint is different to a claim. They’re hoping that’s the end of it. Go to a solicitor.
I don't really understand. After 4 years you no longer report to the manager and hr have upheld your complaint why would you leave now. What do you want out of the process?
Old boss to apologise?
To be fired?
To get your old job back?
Or something else?
What is the outcome you want here? Do you want you old boss sanctioned? Do you want an apology from her? Do you want to see her change her ways. Do you want your senior boss to acknowledge the wrong done to you? Do you want the company to work with you to give you back your reputation and to make sure the work you have is fulfilling?

As a consequence of you complaint being upheld you can say to HR, “Thank you for finding in my favour, as redress it is important to me that I see..... This is important because otherwise I feel my boss has gotten away with her treatment of me and will carry on the same for some other new employee”. Just be really clear to HR what you want, otherwise they might think they have fully dealt with your complaint. Best of luck
Just read this post Toni, all I can say is you must be a very strong person to put up with this 'This post will be deleted if not edited to remove bad language' for the past four years. Pursue this case, others would have given up a long time ago. Cork has loads of work now, start looking for somewhere new and where your talents and abilities will be well appreciated. Good luck to you
Hi All,

Many Thanks for your replies .

I met with HR again last week to ask again for them to put in writing that the complaint is upheld.
He told me to look elsewhere if I want a new job
They ( HR & senior manager) are dealing with the "issues" that I raised in my complaint
And that was it ( over one week on from that meeting I still have not received anything in writing )

For those that say I should get out and look for another job you are right - only issue is my confidence is shot , I am scared - of everything .

As for what I want out of this process its a mix of what bleary and clamball have asked
Ideally I want the following

I want my reputation back .
I want my senior boss to acknowledge the wrong done to me.

There is a very subtle undertone from senior management of anger towards me .
Hi Toni,
This sounds really hard. You've worked there so long, it's a shame they don't have a higher value on you. I don't think you're being overly sensitive.
Just my tuppence, what you endured is appalling and I understand why you want your reputation upheld and as someone who worked in Cork at a fairly senior level and for a major employer, speaking out or standing up for yourself is difficult.
Cork is a very small place and the grapevine especially the work/career grapevine is a very real thing and it does effect you and your chances of being able to move on .
Cork isn't unique in this but as all HR people know each other and recruiting people are known to be buying drinks for them ,and the Cork Chamber is akin to a masonic lodge its understandable that you felt trapped.

Your last post was 11 years since you started and no doubt you have worked hard, Hold your head up high, and .... the begrudgers, I worked for 18 years in Cork and its my home town but working with some of the people from there tested my patience and realised just how nepotism and bullying was such feature in the workplace.

I hope you have resolved the issues, I can almost guess what/ where you were working.....