Being 'followed' on AAM

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I got a message that I am being followed too and like you I don't like it. Mods / Brendan can you please take a look ?

I've decided I'm going to follow everyone who doesn't want to be followed, so you're about to double your congregation is about to double in size..!

In fairness though, your other follower is a bit creepy, @kathy11 who joined the site in June this year, has zero posts and restricts who can view her profile... someone's out to keep tabs on you!! Although her stakeout ended on 04 June..!
In fairness though, your other follower is a bit creepy, @kathy11 who joined the site in June this year, has zero posts and restricts who can view her profile... someone's out to keep tabs on you!! Although her stakeout ended on 04 June..!

Any photos knocking around of Kathy? Being followed mightn't be a bad thing
Would it help to throw followers off the scent if you edited your profile Privacy settings to set OFF for:
  • Show your online status
  • Show your current activity
Actually some of the options there are things like "only receive messages from people you follow" ... so it looks like the follow option is a way that a member can be restrictive and only allow 'trusted' members to privately communicate with them.
I'm set up to get an alert every single time a new topic is opened on any forum. Doesn't matter who you are, I will see your posts. It's nothing nefarious.

MY GOD !!!
You should be ashamed of yourself. How dare you read posts on a public forum.
My settings are at the highest privacy level I can get them to. I believe this feature should either have be removed or have the ability to uncheck if I don't want to be followed.

The person who has 'followed' me should by now be clearly aware that I wish them to desist.

I really don't understand what your problem is. Anyone can click on your profile and see what you've posted anyway. What's the problem?
This is a public forum - if you are unhappy having your posts seen/followed by someone, then I suggest that you stop posting. Change you login id so that you can still read/follow any threads you are interested in without being followed.

If the forum was "private", for your eyes only that would seem to take away any possible good in its existence.

No one forced you to post messages, but if you do, then they are available for all and sundry to see and read.
No one is following me.
I'll follow you if you like, just so you don't feel neglected. If the paranoia kicks in I'll stop, but there are other potential followers in here, and out there, some of whom cannot be detected .... (cue creepy music)
messages... are available for all
Again you are missing the point.

This is someone who is following me personally. Who is tracking everything I post regardless of topic, and whats more has ignored my request to desist.

On other social media you can chose to befriend, you can block if necessary.

There are any number of settings on the profile that members can select as they wish. This should be one of them.

Edit to correct typo.
Again, I don't have a problem with what I write being public.

I don't like the fact that some one is tracking every post I write.

Twitter is a public forum and has been used here as a comparison and the facility to block someone is available.
Again, I don't have a problem with what I write being public.

I don't like the fact that some one is tracking every post I write.

Twitter is a public forum and has been used here as a comparison and the facility to block someone is available.

You can block them, but they can just log out, search you and see all your tweets.
Again, I don't have a problem with what I write being public.

I don't like the fact that some one is tracking every post I write.

Are these two viewpoints not incoherent - if everything you write is public, then anyone can keep track of what you write

One of the definitions of public - "open to or shared by all the people of an area or country"

If you do not want someone, whoever, not to see what you write, then by definition it isn't public.

But the askaboutmoney forums are public, so ...
Sorry, I don't want to appear rude or un-sympathetic to your problem but I don't think it is a problem to be passed onto the forum administrators or developers.

I agree that it is annoying that someone has nothing better to do than follow your every post. I imagine if it was in the real world, ie someone following you around, then something could be done, but the internet doesn't really work like that - and if it did, who would police it? Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, the Dail, ... my minds boggles at the thought of it. Free speech is worth fighting for and standing up for even if it allows people to say things you don't want to hear.

This is the internet. Everything you put on it is public. If they wanted to track everything you said or did, they could do it without following you. If you don't like it, stop putting posts up on the internet!!

As an aside, do people have any idea how much information the likes of Facebook, Google, Amazon etc have on you? They know everything that goes on in your lives. So someone following you as an anonymous poster really is small potatoes

Steven (
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