Being bullied at work but afraid to progress the matter for fear of losing job.

Suzy123, what are the issue that the supervisor picks on you for, are the issue relating to work performance or other matters, can you be a bit more specific about the topics.

Being bully is not good and can cause illness/depression and this would mean that you would have to go and speak to your GP about it.


Sometimes the bully may not be aware that his/her behaviour is causing offence - quite often its down to the mannerisms, tact, emotional intelligence etc. that the person has. The first step, before trying any of the formal or semi-formal approaches suggested, is to have a quiet word face to face with the individual. I've seen situations whereby this has been enough to stop the behaviour - where the person was unaware they were causing offence. I think that if you dont do this, any accusation will fall on procedural grounds as you will be accussed of not being reasonable by pointing out the offending behaviour to the person. I dont think it is a good idea to bring a witness to the first face to face as it is more likely to cause the person to become defensive and stick their ground rather than change their behaviour (which is what you really want).

If the informal approach fails, then go down the more formal route, but don't discount the quiet word approach - it very often works.