behind on rent/lease expired



We have a farm rental that we rent out on a 6 month lease. It started in July '08 and ended Jan.31, 09. The tenants paid all the rent (we actually knocked off the amount of rent each month if they did "fix it up" work on the house) up until the last month of the lease. (January). We live out of the country right now and won't be going home until end of March. Needless to say, we did not re-new the lease in Feb. cause January rent was not paid..(we would have renewed had the rent for Jan. been paid)....well, it's almost the end of Feb and nothing has been paid yet...(they had stated they wanted to continue renting)....we are considering doing a "pay rent or quit" eviction but my question is are we going to be able to get the rent for Feb and probably March if we do this? Or will January be the only month we can get back rent for if the lease was not renewed?
So they're one month behind and you're planning to kick them out?
Is this a commercial or residential lease? In either case, you can't (unfortunately) just evict someone yourself without exposing yourself to legal sanction. You have to jump through legal hoops (€€ for solicitors) to get your own property back. Why can't people just pay their bloody rent or get off land/property that doesn't belong to them?!

I hope the banks dont take the same view if you ever fall behind with your mortage.
I hope the banks dont take the same view if you ever fall behind with your mortage.

This is not an ownership issue. The persons contracted to rent the land and have ceased to continue paying the rent. In essence I would call this squatting. They should be moved on or else cough up.
They are one month behind.That doesnt qualify as squatting,that qualifies as oversight.
Has the OP contacted them to see if ther has been a problem or is she quite happy to go shouting "eviction" like a victorian rack-renter?
Why should rent be paid in advance?
Do you pay your mortage in advance?
Rent is always paid in advance. It's a fact of life, simple as that. No mortgages are not paid in advance but if not paid places the ownership in jeopardy.
So if you fell behind one month with your mortage payments would you expect the bank to immediatly reposses your house?
No,you'd like some time to sort it out.
if its a tenant falling behind certain people cant wait to try and evict them.
Double standards really.
It's pretty obvious you don't have a grip on renting property. You have to realise that being a tenant is very different from being a landlord.

Oh yeah,landlords are driven by the desire to make money and tenants are driven by the desire to have somewhere to sleep.
It's pretty obvious you don't have a grip on renting property. You have to realise that being a tenant is very different from being a landlord.
Indeed and being a tenant is also very different from being a mortgage holder. Tenants have the most rights and fewest responsibilities of anybody in this area in this country owing to successive decades of court judgements going against landlords due to the overhang of british rule. A tenant defaults on his rent, pretty much the worst thing that will happen is that he will be evicted from property he has no stake in. A landlord whose tenant defaults may end up in default with his bank and lose a property in which he may have built up significant equity, as is the case for a homeowner who defaults on a mortgage. Comparing a tenant to people who have such equity to lose is obviously ridiculous.
Oh yeah,landlords are driven by the desire to make money and tenants are driven by the desire to have somewhere to sleep.
A landlord is running a business. You wouldn't expect to walk into a SPAR and help yourself to their stock so why would you expect a landlord to offer a free roof over your head whilst risking losing their own due to your failure to pay what was agreed in the lease? Very strange.
I think that it is the past experience of being a landlord that has people feeling this way. You can not blame them. There are more bad tenants than bad landlords and the law is set up to support the tenants.

SPAR dont ask you for a deposit and the price of the goods up front do they?
I presume the OP still has a deposit?
A deposit on agricultural land is not the norm. No SPAR do not ask for a deposit. They just expect payment in full before you walk out of the shop with the goods, unless you are a good shoplifter.
SPAR dont ask you for a deposit and the price of the goods up front do they?
I've never tried taking goods from a SPAR and paying later. They DO ask for the full price of the goods up front. What SPAR do you shop in????? SPAR also DO ask you for a deposit on items where you are not getting full ownership of the item, for example FloGas bottles when you don't have an empty to exchange with them. With a house, you are also not getting full ownership so a deposit is required. Would you give someone full posession of an asset worth hundreds of thousands of euro with absolutely no security? I find it very hard to believe you would. By the way, if you think a month's deposit and a month's rent up front is extreme, try renting in say Munich, a place with similar high rent costs. Three months rent as deposit is the norm as is asking for another 3 months rent up front. That'll get you an unfurnished place by the way-get your own kitchen while you're at it. Renting in Ireland is a walk in the park compared to many places on the continent.
So they're one month behind and you're planning to kick them out?

It is now 2 months and if it was me they would have been out sooner.

I hope the banks dont take the same view if you ever fall behind with your mortage.

OT what does a mortgage got to do with renting property

They are one month behind.That doesnt qualify as squatting,that qualifies as oversight.?

They are 2 months behind as I said, if someone decides to stay on my property after the lease expires they become squatters!

Have you ever forgotten to pay your rent, oversight my foot.

Has the OP contacted them to see if ther has been a problem or is she quite happy to go shouting "eviction" like a victorian rack-renter?

Speaking for myself I'd be happy to turf someone out who has not bothered to pay me my money.

Why should rent be paid in advance?
Do you pay your mortage in advance?

Why pay rent in advance because that's the way it is done and yes people pay mortgages in advance.

Mortgages and rents are not the same.

If I cut a deal with someone to rent my property I expect them to live up to their end of things, that means paying their rent.

You seem to think it's ok for people to break a deal, how would you feel if your boss decided not to bother paying your wages.

This is exactly the same

Oh yeah,landlords are driven by the desire to make money and tenants are driven by the desire to have somewhere to sleep.

Landlords want to make money we also want to have a roof over our heads and it would be nice if certain shiftless non paying tenants would keep to their end of the bargain and pay their way so landlords don't end up on the street.

SPAR dont ask you for a deposit and the price of the goods up front do they?
I presume the OP still has a deposit?

As a previous poster stated SPAR get deposits for gas cannisters and won't let you leave without paying for goods.