begin AVC or overpay mortgage


Registered User
Hi, would appreciate your advice on the best use of 200euro per month: overpay my large negative equity mortgage or enter an AVC pension scheme.

Am a public sector worker, 42 yo, will have 35 years worked by 65 so an AVC would certainly benefit by topping up the amount I could withdraw tax-free on retirement. Public Sector Union-AVC gives option to put remainder into an ARF, so with tax relief on the way into the scheme, coupled with a state-independent savings pot, this would seem a good option.

However, I have a 420k mortgage (house worth ~330k) with 27 years to run, so wondering if the 200/mth would be better spent overpaying this instead? I calculated that I would save 53k on interest payments alone if I overpaid my mortgage by 200/month, and reduce the term by approx 4 years. If I saved the mortgage equivalent (2200/month) for these 4 years I could save a further 106k. Certainly a less risky strategy, but would I lose out considerably compared to the AVC option?

any thoughts most welcome!
If you have a cheap tracker, you probably should not be paying it off any quicker than you have to.

If you are paying SVR of around 4.5%, then it's probably right to pay down the negative equity as quickly as possible. It's more than just a financial calculation. By eliminating negative equity, you will have much more flexibility. If you need to move, you can. If you have negative equity, the lender could veto the move or make it very difficult.

While pensions are a good long term investment, they come with high charges and uncertainty over the return you will get. There is also the uncertainty regarding the eventual tax treatment. All in all, if you have an SVR, get rid of the negative equity and pay down the mortgage to a comfortable level.
Hi Brendan, many thanks for your reply. Yes, the rate will be the SVR once my fixed rate ends next month (forgot to state this), and I guess that's only going in 1 direction in the coming years.
Nevertheless, I don't fully trust the govt's future ability to meet public sector pension bill, say 20-30 years hence, hence the idea of diversifying my pension somewhat.