Beer offer from Centra


Registered User
Centra has been very quick to condemn this offer which has been heavily criticised. What puzzles me who arranged the promotion in the first place. If it came from Centra then their words of regret ring shallow.
It would have been arranged locally as the offer seems to have been confined to 2 shops both owned by the same person.
offer withdrawn. But more mealy mouthed bunkum from the likes of Fergus Finlay, Averil Power, various 'interested' quangoes....expressing shock at such a promotion.
They're either living in ivory towers or are just spinning a line to the cameras.

There'll be plenty of pubs around the country that'll tell you children's allowance pay day is a much busier night than the same night a week earlier or later. I've seen it myself.
I agree. The MickeyMoney goes in to the No. 1 account and is drawn down as needs be for whatever. Anyone who believes that it goes in to the Harry Worth jamjar labelled "For Children" is misguided. Some people set it aside but I would imagine that they are in the minority.
the thing is that once you give people money, you also give them the right to spend it on whatever they please! business will always target those they think have extra to spend.

And you have proof to backup this statement?
We should follow the lead of California where welfare goes on a card that cannot be used for tarot readings and a few other things.

As regards childrens allowance A) means test it, B) either dispense it in food & clothes vouchers or put it on a card and limit how that card can be used.

Why does child neglect exist in a society with high welfare payments?, because many selfish parents spent the money on themselves. Thems the facts, we might all have to suffer some nanny-statism (pardon the pun) to at least make it more difficult for people like that to turn food & clothes vouchers into alcohol & fags.

What business is it of yours (or anyone elses) how someone spends their welfare money?
welfare money is'nt just magicked up out of thin air

No, but if you hand someone 188 a week Jobseekers, why should you tell them what to spend it on.

One individual may wish to spend a tenner of it towards his gym membership, another may wish to spend a tenner of it in the pub.

Is the first ok because its a more worthy activity?
If an allowance is given for the benefit of a child but spent on an adult, then it should be looked at.

Childrens allowance is a universal payment that is paid to plenty of people who do not even need it.

Its also paid to people who need it so badly that it HAS to be spent on food or the family will go hungry.

People who think the money is somehow ringfenced for an individual child are not living in reality.

Don't be silly. Can you imagine banking executives wives or politicians wives having to present coupons at the local butchers?

Spending it on food is for the benefit of the child though, but spending it on booze and fags hardly helps, or am I removed from reality on this?
Spending it on food is for the benefit of the child though, but spending it on booze and fags hardly helps, or am I removed from reality on this?

I thought we were talking about what welfare should be spent on, not childrens allowance? I wouldnt class childrens allowance as welfare as its a universal payment.

Obviously if someone is spending the childrens allowance on booze and fags then thats not right, but its a far more likely scenario that the money just goes into the general 'pot' of money for that household (whether the rest of it comes from welfare or work) and then is some is spent on booze and fags - who is to say that that bit came from the childrens allowance or the other source?

I dont think I know anyone who ring fences childrens allowance specifically for the children - do you?
I dont think I know anyone who ring fences childrens allowance specifically for the children - do you?

I know a few who currently do it and my folks did it for myself and my siblings....and we were no millionaires I can assure you
I wouldnt class childrens allowance as welfare as its a universal payment.

Of course it's a welfare payment; it's paid by the Department of Social Welfare (now the Orwellian sounding Department of Social Protection).
It should only be paid to people who need it or, better again, paid in vouchers. That way the banking executives wives or politicians wives would not spend it and so the state would save money.