Becoming self employed when on OPF payment



I am currently in receipt of One Parent Family payment and would like to find out about becoming self employed. I am expecting to start off small, just a few extra hours a week maybe. I am already working part-time, which the SW are aware of.

I have a couple of questions;

1. How will this affect my payment?

2. If it is not regular work(regular weekly pay) how does thw SW figure out my income.

I want to be totally ligit with the SW.

Any advice is greatly appriciated.
Your income from self-employemnt will be assessed as means and they will project expected earning and review situ when true income known down the line. You may be entitled to babck to work enterprise allowance or something. Make an appointment to see the Facilittor atached to your local office which will put you on the right track.
Thanx for replay, will have to get in contact with them.