Beach Party Outfit



Hi all,

I'm looking for some help, I'm going to a party with a beach theme this week and I'm looking for advice on where I could buy a hawaiian shirt or something like that, I'm located in Dublin.
Also looking for something for the OH, she isn't up to wearing just a bikini!


They seem to be all the rage at the moment, was at one recently and anything seems to go.

Lots of people just wore t-shirt and jeans. Sorry can't offer any help on your Hawaiian shirt as its probably a bit late in the season for them. If you could find a sale on summer gear you just might get one there. Maybe you could borrow one from a friend or colleague.

Flip flops seem to be the standard footwear.

Your wife might get away with a knee length pair of shorts and a sarong over them. Any t-shirt with those should suffice.

Enjoy the party.
You could try the charity shops for some hawaiian style shirts - there can be some very colourful examples for sale from time to time!
If you feel brave enough it has to be the Mankini


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If you don't have any luck with charity shops. the Patagonia outlet shop on Exchequer Street might be worth a look. I think I remember seeing Hawaiian-style shirts there. Alternatively, how about the shops in the Georges Street arcade?