BBC Panorama programme tonight on Banking Secrets of the Rich and Powerful

Brendan Burgess

BBC 1 7 pm

Banking Secrets of the Rich and Powerful

It’s the leak that reveals the secrets of British banking. Panorama uncovers secret reports that expose how banks have failed to tackle crime and how terrorists, money launderers and crime bosses are able to use the same banks as us. Reporter Richard Bilton also exposes the double life of the man who funded the Brexit Party, secret deals at the top of British football and the business deals billionaires would rather you didn’t know about.
The fines are always smaller than the profits that they make from such transactions. Given white collar crime takes so long to prosecute and the sentences are so lenient, the incentives are there to engage in such transactions.
Is Roman still barred from Britain ?
Was that why he went for Israeli citizenship when he got barred from the U.K. ?
Global banking system is rotten to the core, City of London, Panama, Switzerland, Wall St... and God knows where else.
The rich and powerful weren't always rich and powerful. In a lot of cases it was just one generation of very astute and financially literate people making a fortune and the subsequent generations being astute enough not to blow it all during their lifetimes.
There is always great jealousy among the poorer classes of those better off than themselves.
Well the old line that middle class socialists don't care about poor people, they just hate rich people, does spring to mind but this isn't about that. It isn't really about rich people, it's about despots, dictators, criminals and oligarchs using the international banking system in general, and the City of London in particular, to steal the wealth of nations and wash the proceeds of crime. The Swiss used to do it but the Americans forced them to clean things up after 9/11. The English always did it. Remember that they have banks that were built on slavery and the drugs trade, HSBC actually being set up to handle the vast amount of money they made from the Opium Trade (the British fought a war to keep the trade going). This isn't a new phenomenon, their banking system was founded to do this stuff.
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On the above issue I recently came across this article in The Guardian.
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Resurrecting a 6 month old thread with a 7 month old piece from the Guardian?