BB: local exchange not enabled, no line of sight to wireless, options?


Registered User
Hi all, Firstly apologies if this is in the wrong area!
Can anyboby help or advise regarding internet connections. We have just moved into a new build property with no phone line connected.

Our local exchange is not enabled for BB (nor is it likely to be).
We have wireless in the area but we're not in line of sight.

That leaves (as far as I can see) a few options:
1. Satelitte
2. Get phone line installed and try for ISDN
3. Get phone line installed and use dial-up (not my preferred option)

Can anybody advise on the ISDN option at all - is it worth it?
Is it THAT much faster than dial-up??

Any comments would be very gratefully received from a very frustrated internet user!!!!

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I'm not convinced but perhaps with dial-up might be worth checking out? I psreume that you're looking for a stopgap measure until such time as other affordable options (DSL, cable etc.) become available?
you could try a vodafone 3g data card with this lad.

[broken link removed]

more info here

that way more then one person in the house can use it. (assuming they have a wireless card in their laptop / pc.

also you can bring it with you if you go away. brother in law has it in his house in swords and he has a mobile home in wexford so it is handy in the summer when he is down there. I think you can get it for €50pm with resonable use.
clubman - I was with onspeed prior to moving and imho it wasn't all that brilliant the speed really didn't seem that much faster than the ordinary dial-up.

bigjoe dub - I will certainly look into the 3g thing (new to me - will have to do some homework).

Thanks for suggestions
When using onspeed you can vary the compression rate.

At the highest compression rate pictures will be fairly pixellated but text is perfect.

It can offer big speed enhancements on these settings for general web browsing but is useless for big data transfer, business use etc.
Yeah - found onspeed OK(ish....) for general browsing but would like eventually to be able to download music etc.... and also as we have family in UK would like to sent photos/movie files etc to them (found onspeed wasn't that clever speedwise for that kind of use ) Also would like if possible to try the Skype route too.....

BTW - Does anybody know if the 3g thingy is any good for the above kinds of useage and do you have to subscribe to vodafone to use the 3g service (by subscribe I mean would I have to change my mobile provider?)

Sorry for all the questions but - if you don't ask you don't find out

There is also a good broadband forum over on in case that might be a useful source of information for you.
As long as you are in a built up area and there is some sort of 3G signal, you can't lose with the new 3G Broadband Modem from Vodafone. For 129 connection and 49 a month thereafter you can get anywhere from 384 kpbs (7 times faster than dial up) to 1200 kpbs.

It's called a 3G Broadband modem and looks like a mouse which plugs into the USB port of your PC or laptop. It's very plug and play.

Here's a word document I got from Vodafone

[broken link removed] 352kb in size (contains coverage map)
Any ongoing usage charges in addition to the monthly subscription fee? Any usage caps?
Any ongoing usage charges in addition to the monthly subscription fee? Any usage caps?

€49 euro all in (unlimited data only). No caps just a fair usage policy.

I have to test this out with VOIP and if it works without too much lag it would be a great alternative to anybody without a land line.
Thanks every1 for replies.

davidoco - i will look into the 3g side I can't tell properly from the coverage map if I am in a covered area (probably not - rural) but i'll make enquiries with voafone on that.
Are you currently using the 3g? if so can you let me know if the VOIP works if you do try it?

I don't seem to be in a coverage area, following the Vodafone map, but I am using a 3G card and have no compaints. Connected at 3.6Mbps at the moment. (Ashbourne area, but only since start of month, I was getting standard 56kbps GPRS with it until then).

- €49 all included, unlimited data as mentioned.
- It is completely separate to your mobile phone, the 3G modem has its own SIM card included with it.
- I'm fairly sure you have to sign up for minimum of one year.
Sorry, forgot to mention that I've had no problems with Skype on the 3G modem. Wouldn't be a big Skype user but it seemed reliable, no noticeable lag, etc.
Thanks turkeyburger - i think i'll have to make some serious enquiries on this. I seriously do not want to have to go to the trouble of getting a phone line installed - if i can help it (either for satellite or dial-up/isdn) so if I am covered this might be the best option.

I don't do gaming but would like to download music etc... do you know if it is suitable for that and/or for sending attachments such as photos/moviefiles via e-mail?
For music and small (relatively) files like pictures where you are only talking about a few (<5Mb) it is fine.

I've just downloaded the Windows Vista Upgrade Advisor thingy from Microsoft, it is 6.5Mb, took approx. 30 seconds.

(It basically tells me I need a new laptop!)
Quick way to test if you are in a 3G coverage area is if you have a 3G mobile phone (or know someone with one) they generally indicate when they are receiving a 3G signal on the main display of the phone.
Off topic but ... the Windows Vista Upgrade Advisor insists that you install .NET before it will run. What a pain. I won't be running it so but I suspect that I'd get the same answer as you if I did!
Regarding VOIP even before we tested it out, you could tell by the amount of time it took a browser page to return that it's unlikely to be satisfactory for VOIP in the long term.

You request a web page from the browser and it can take anything up to 20 seconds for it to start loading. Much the same way that wireless broadband gives long pings. If it unsuitable for gaming it's unsuitable for dependable voice.

I think it all depends on your distance from the mast.
I'm not convinced but perhaps with dial-up might be worth checking out? I psreume that you're looking for a stopgap measure until such time as other affordable options (DSL, cable etc.) become available?

OnSpeed is useless, when i had eircom with dial-up i used it as an act of desperation, it has no change the program basically compresses data before downloading it, but you need to wait for it to compress it first & only deoes that if the server youre downloading from supports this kind of activity. That defeats the whole objective i thought.
but however, i can only speak for me.
Hi bijou

before going the vodafone route, perhaps you should take a look at what is available from Three (3).

They have a Datacard option, see [broken link removed].

Basically they offer a low usage package (250Mb) for €24.99/month. Card costs €99.

Also a high usage (3Gb) for €39.99/month. Card costs €49.

I'd say definitely worth checking out.