Baxi multifuel wood pellet burner- electronic panel blank and alarming


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Hi guys, just wondering if any of ye can help. We have moved into a house that has a wood pellet burner, it hadn't been turned on in a couple of months and first time we got it going it was fine but since then it won't even turn on, alarm panel is blank, the fans kick in. I apologise for not explaining the prob problem. We have rang heat merchants but the one the previous owner purchases the system from has closed down. Another branch gave us a number of a guy that installs them but his on long term sick. Anyone else we spoke to gave us his name as well. We had a plumber out yest who deals with other brands and feels an electrician is needed. We can't seem to get anyone to come fix it. Has anyone any suggestions on what we do next. We have no heat( not a huge prob) but no hot water!
It's a nightmare no one seems to want to touch it.
contact baxi direct, they need to have some sort of back up or a contact for someone that services them in Ireland
Thank you, we have been trying to in vain we keep getting to passed from one person to another so are at point of considering changing whole system as seems to be a nightmare from research we are doing with maintenance and getting people out to see it.
Dont give up just yet, they are an expensive piece of kit, get some value out of it first. Did you contact baxi direct, there must be someone servicing them. Is it nat gas your burning? If so it should be easy to get that up and running and leave the pellet side of it.