Batman begins




if anyone has seen this could you let me know if it would be okay to bring an eight-and-half year old? It is rated 12s as was Star Wars but I was happy enough to bring him to Star Wars and let him see it. He's a big batman fan and is dying to see this one but I've heard it's quite dark.

Depends on the child, there are a few scene's that may scare him if he is that sort of kid.

Reminds me of my 8th birthday and my mother rented a PG film and two kids had nightmares for weeks. The rest of us loved it!!
That's great. He's been so excited about it coming out I'd have hated telling him he couldn't see it. I'm looking forward to seeing it myself but would have felt guilty going when he couldn't. I'll just prepare him for some scary bits then.

Thanks, Aldaco.
to be honest, theres more than 1 or 2 scary bits for an 8 year old...I had read a few articles expressing surprise that it was not rated higher than 12s...

Cillian Murphy is the man in it!
My husband took my 12y old daughter and 10y old son on Saturday.
The 12yo loved it - thought it was cool
The 10yo hid under his jumper for a lot of it.
He loved Star Wars Revenge of the Sith.

Depends on the child.
Nah, don't rate neeson...was in school with Cillian, hes a hero! I'd like him to be the most successful actor in the world....i have footage of him when he was in his band in school....even have one of the demo tapes.
So if he could be the new Tom Cruise, I could flog the stuff to some yanks for a load of dosh!
legend99 said:
Nah, don't rate neeson...was in school with Cillian, hes a hero! I'd like him to be the most successful actor in the world....

Hmmmmmmmmmm wonder if Legend99 is a female fan??

I will admit he is a good actor alright and I'd bet you will see more and more of him in the future!
Wiggles said:
Hmmmmmmmmmm wonder if Legend99 is a female fan??

I will admit he is a good actor alright and I'd bet you will see more and more of him in the future!

Afraid I'm not female fan....told you, want him to be sucess so i can flog me stuff!
legend99 said:
Afraid I'm not female fan....told you, want him to be sucess so i can flog me stuff!
Jasus, I don't like the sound of that. I've no idea what it means, but I don't like it.