Basic question re bluetooth headphones

Betsy Og

Registered User
I fear this may be a dumb question, but does it need to be a bluetooth device (laptop, mobile phone) for the headphones to work.

If I have a bog standard radio with headphone jack slot, will bluetooth headphones do anything (or do the headphones come with an attachment that plugs into the normal headphone jack slot, that then "broadcasts" to the headphones).

Thanks :confused:
Bluetooth headphones will only work with a device that transmits bluetooth signals.
So your standard kitchen radio will not work with them. Some headphones will come with a cable that you can plug into your radio - but that just turns them into a standard wired headset.

You may be able to pick up a bluetooth transmitter. Or you could get a set of Wireless headphones - these include a transmitter that you plug into your radio and will send the signal wirelessely to a set of headphones. This is not bluetooth typically.
What Sol28 said, buying a set of bluetooth headphones and a seperate bluetooth transmitter (to plug into your non-bluetooth radio) is an expensive way to solve the problem. Aldi have the transmitters at the moment

Buying a set of "wireless" headphones (which come with a base that plugs into your radio and a power supply) is normally a cheaper, and equally effective, option.
sorry 'bout that. Even more reason to go the Wireless headphone route
The photo doesnt show the (supplied ) bases station