Basic Customer Service


Registered User
One of my husband's vans is in for repair for the third time in a month. Not really the mechanic's fault, just bad luck really. But the van is crucial to his business and he told the mechanic ( who he kind of knows) this on each occasion. The guy just will not ring him or text him to give him an update or idea where he stands. If the bloody thing isn't ready or won't be ready for a month then just let him know so he can make alternative arrangements etc etc.

I've dealt with customers in one fashion or other all my life and the mantra in training is always: Often customers don't mind problems / faults / delays - they just hate being kept in the dark. Give them real information and don't let them feel they are being ignored or forgotten about.

It's not this one incident - it's guys not showing up to do things on the house because XYZ happened but NOT RINGING to let you know.

It really drives me over the edge.

Know exactly what you mean,I keep it very simple,I never ever reuse individuals or companies that give me anything approaching poor service.

There are more than enough guys willing to supply a good service at the same price or cheaper,so thats where my money goes.

Your husband should have ditched that mechanic a long time ago.
I know what you mean Knuttell, his take on it is he knows the mechanic will not take liberties, and is honest and good in his actual work, if not his delivery of it. I despair of people unable to use a phone or think it isn't relevant or necessary.
Get a new mechanic, who is honest AND does customer service. I'll PM you details of one in Blackrock if that location suits you.
Hi RainyDay

It might be useful for those living in and around Blackrock (or even further afield) to have that information. So maybe you might post it on AAM?


Thanks RainyDay. I live only a short distance from Brookfield Terrace and didn't even know he existed. I got very poor service from a guy in Mount Merrion in so far as the same problem is back again with my car after he supposedly fixed it. Your post came at the right time.