Barrister qualification - alternative routes


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To attain the qualification of Barrister (BL) one must complete the one year full time degree course at Kings Inns. Prior to this, prospective applicants must pass an entrance examination and either:
a) hold a recognised degree in Irish Law
b) complete the 2 year part-time Diploma in Legal Studies offered by Kings Inns itself.

Route b also requires the applicant to hold a non-law degree or, if over 25, possess suitable academic or occupational experience.

As I am (well) over 25, and already have a non-law degree, I could either go for the Kings Inns 2 year diploma or an approved degree. In practical terms I would be restricted to Dublin based evening courses. This boils down to 3 options:

A) The Kings Inns 2 year diploma
B) LLB degree from Griffith College (3 years, part time evening)
C) LLB degree from Portobello College (normally 3 years, part time evening, but holders of a non-law degree can enter at year 2 - in that case some separate tuition/study would be needed as the Year 1 subjects form part of the Kings Inns entrance exam)

I would be very interested in hearing about the relative merits of these three options. In particular, what is the quality of tuition, are good notes provided, what is the workload, etc? (The cost of each option is broadly similar)