Barrier Free Tolling - Best Providers

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If you get on at Lucan and exit at Blanchardstown, and then go back the same way, you get hit 4 times for a short trip, and if you're unlucky enough to have to go through the M4 toll on the way up, add another €5.40 (return), but if you get on anywhere south of the bridge you can drive all the way to Wexford and back (...give or take!) on superb roads with no toll charge! Rant over!
There seem to be a lot of those big gantries going up with the road signs on them.

Nice and easy to retro fit charging points.

Probably end up getting charged just for saying M50.

Watch this space.

More stealth tax for the hard ridden motorist.
does anybody know if any of these tag companies accept payment by cheque or any other method than a direct debit from your bank a/c, or cards? Parents hate direct debits and wont sign up to one. But i have to say, i dont find any of the providers the best in terms of providing info on their products! accept credit cards and you don't have to have a minimum balance if you buy the tag for €30.00. No admin charges either.

(So I have decided to go with them).
Have any of you considered moving away from the blasted toll bridge area?

What a horrible tax on living in a certain part of Dublin
Have any of you considered moving away from the blasted toll bridge area?

What a horrible tax on living in a certain part of Dublin

Spare a thought for the residents of Enfield, Co. Meath. You cannot travel to or from the town except by (1) backroads to/from Trim/Edenderry etc (2) the downgraded and truck-ridden N4 with continuous white lines and 80kph speed limits (very cynical imho) (3) the tolled M4 with toll booths on entry to and exit from the town.
For all those people who mentioned that they were going to go for the video recognition because you could post-pay ..... do you realise that eflow have a post pay tag option (2 euro a trip) - no top ups or initial load of creidt - you just get charged each month to your laser or by DD. No purchase fee - just the 1 euro admin fee a month.
Seems the best option overall to me for anyone who knows they will be using the m50 at least twice a month. All these other tags with prepay mean the companies are holding onto your money for possibly months if you don't use the M50 much. As far as I can see from checking all the providers - eflow is the ONLY post pay tag available.
easypass have put up their monthly fee from €1.22 up a whopping €2.13
I didn't even get notification. First they get rid of the paper bill to save costs now this on top. I use to be able to claim VAT back on journeys but that went also.
Is there a better supplier.
Got an eflow tag last August. 1 euro per month management fee. Very convenient - 30 Euro top up by DD when balance reduces to 12 Euro which means no late payment fines on the M50 too. I find I use the toll roads more! I live Northside so the reduced 3 Euro at weekend on the tunnel means we get to a free parking space at the Point Liffey side in 15 minutes! Most people won't walk from there - fatties! We must save petrol too.
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