barometer-how to set

Ring Met Eireann and tell them where abouts you live, then they will give you the barometer reading for that area.
Or go here... [broken link removed]

This link is for Dublin but you should be able to find somewhere close to your own location.

There should be a small screw (or similar) on the back of the barometer that will adjust the hand to the correct setting
Do I have to change the setting every day or what I am a bit green about it. Is it the pressure number I use
No athens, you should only have to set it once.

For example, at the moment the pressure in Dublin is shown as 1038 mB. If you were setting it now you would turn the screw on the back until the needle pointed to 1038. After that the needle will move to indicate rises and falls in pressure.

There might also be a second needle that you can turn from the front. You can move this around as you please - e.g maybe just to mark a particular high or low point or if you want to watch trends.