Barcelona with babies?


Registered User
Just wondering if anyone has been to barcelona with young children. Thinking of going around March time?

Is it child frendly?

I don't have kids of my own but when we're babysitting my girlfriend's young neices, taking them around the city has always been pretty painless. I think it's like most Mediterranean cities in this respect, and children are catered for everywhere (numerous playgrounds dotted all around, the cafe's and restaurants are all child-friendly, public transport has plenty of space for buggies etc.). The ages of your children might make a difference to how easy it would be and I guess also the kinds of things you plan on doing while over there.
Just wondering if anyone has been to barcelona with young children. Thinking of going around March time?

Is it child frendly?


I was in Barcelona briefly last year and I didn't find Barcelona child-friendly at all. One of ours was still in a buggy and the underground didn't have lifts, had few escalators so it meant folding up the buggy and carrying buggy and junior long distances, etc. Barcelona is a very busy city, it feels more crowded than even Paris or Rome, so we really couldn't leave our three-year old out of the buggy and had to watch our five-year old like a hawk.
One of ours was still in a buggy and the underground didn't have lifts, had few escalators so it meant folding up the buggy and carrying buggy and junior long distances, etc.
Following the OPs questions, I was keeping a closer eye out this week for lifts/escalators around the metro and realised that the poster here has a point. The metro stops I use most regularly all have either a lift/escalators but there are a few about that don't. Even if they do have them, often only one entrance to the station will be covered and might be hard to find if you don't know your way around. You'll need to plan ahead if it's an issue ( should have maps of all the stations). BTW, the local bus network is 100% accessible.
Would agree that metro stations are very difficult for buggies but were manageable with a reasonably compliant one-year old.

Imagine it would be considerably more difficult with older children who have developed ideas of their own in terms of navigation.:)