Barcelona V Real Madrid - Predictions For 180 Minutes.

I have no problem teams playing 11 people camped on the edge of the box and I would never claim that barcalona are the best team ever but their 5-0 win earlier in the season was probably the best team performance since the great Milan team of the late 80's and early 90's.

Interesting thing about JM is that many people connected to real Madrid hate him. Same with inter Milan. He is genius though.
What a waste of a first half. Two great football sides decide to show all that is ugly about football. Why do referees allow themselves to be bullied? Just show yellow cards to anyone that comes near him when he makes a decision
No doubt the best team won but the sending off was crucial - Barcelona didn't really look like scoring until then (Madrid didn't look like scoring at any stage!)
Barca to put manners on Mourinho. 3-1 tonight with Messi getting two and Villa scoring the third. Ronaldo to score one after shooting 545 times

Mourinho is great though. Is there anyone in Italy and Spain that he hasn't fallen out with?

You'd have been bang on, Sunny, if Villa hadn't been substituted and Ronaldo hadn't spent most of the match fixing his hair!
Real got a lesson tonight on how to win a match. And I have to admit that I got a small degree of insane pleasure seeing the Special One sulking.

It's only half time but I honestly can't see Real recovering from this. If they do, I'll eat my Beamish flavoured hat!
I would watch Messi play all night but I have to say the behaviour of both teams was appalling. At least it finally ended all debate about whether Ronaldo is in the same league as Messi as an all round player. (Not that there ever was a debate in my mind!)

Sending off was harsh.
Hopefully the next referee will be strong enough to stand up to Barca and their costant diving, it was one of the greatest examples that I have seen on exactly how not to play football.