Banks solicitors letter


Registered User
Hi just received demand letter from Banks Solicitor regarding Debt. On your advice i didn't engage with debt collection agency. What i want to know is do i now write to solicitor and again explain my situation and tell them that i have no way paying this debt and let them get judgement . They are insistant on me contacting their office to resolve situation but the last time i did that it just ended up with them contacting a debt collection agency . Can i ask for copies of all paperwork relating to debt and also insist that i be contacted if and when the case goes to court?
your help would be great
Your previous posts indicate that you already have judgements against you and have no real ability to deal with the associated debts. I'm not sure whether you have considered dealing with a PIP on insolvency or if not how you can avoid another judgement (not going to affect you given previous JM). If you do nothing the process will take its course and you will next receive a court summons. You can contest this or not. It's up to you!
Yes you are entitled to copy of paperwork. Send a data access request to the relevant bank and they are obliged to send you out copies of all correspondence and other information held within 40 days.
Thanks Brendan, should i not request paperwork through solicitor as this is the banks way of dealing with me?
Not necessary. Submit a DAR request and they are obliged to supply you with the information within the 40 day deadline. Look up Citizens Information on DAR's.