Banking 365 error message then double payment


Registered User
Just wondering if anyone else had a problem with Banking 365. I went online to pay my credit card bill yesterday and got an error message that my pin number was incorrect and to do the transfer again. I did, managed to get as far as printing out the confirmation screen and got kicked out of the system (they were having problems with one of their servers yesterday and the system was extremely slow). I phoned to complete the other transfer I needed to do and found out that the payment to the credit card had in fact gone through twice.

I was talking to a colleague earlier and she said she got the same error message (which BoI tried to convince me didn't exist) yesterday when paying a bill online. Just wondering if anyone else has come across a similar problem.

For the moment it's resolved as after half-an-hour on the phone to various people they escalated the issue to someone who was able to refund me the money (and they'll chase MBNA to get the amount back again). This was a big change from their initial reaction that it was entirely my fault and I'd have to wait and request the money back from MBNA which makes me suspect that they found they did have a problem.
They do have their problems as below a recent post by me:-

Anybody have any problems with BOI 365 online or phone within last half hour (23/04/07 10.30pm). My online Balance was out as it seemed to have a duplication of an item. I then tried 365 phone and it said no transactions since last statement even though I knew i had some. I then checked my online a/c and hey presto everything ok and phoned 365 online again and hey presto it listed my transactions. Scary or what? (no I was not drinking)
If it's any consolation, NIB's online banking system can (among other things) travel forward in time. Below is a screenshot I captured at just after 9pm on 22 April, which shows a €200 debit processed on the following day!

(I swear I haven't doctored this, other than to black out identifying details such as the account no. and to highlight the dates in red...)
[broken link removed]

What will those wacky bankers come up with next, eh?
365 has been going really slow for me for the last few days - timing out at times