Bank will give out only 17 year mortgage because of age


Registered User
My husband is older than me and the bank are only allowing a mortgage over 17years, is there anyway around this? I would qualify for 25years on my own.
Long past time that Central Bank reviewed this stance by the Northaw lenders and gave some direction.

Historically, people were not living as long, and were typically retiring at Age 65, but times have forcing the maturity date on an individual, or worse still, a couple, as soon as a 65th birthday comes along, seems wrong.
as soon as a 65th birthday comes along, seems wrong.
There are only a few lenders left in the market. Maximum ages:
AIB is 68 is PAYE, 71 if self employed.
BOI is 70.
PTSB is 70.

I think lending beyond these ages will do nothing but keep Joe Duffy busy with people phoning I saying the bank forced them to work into their 70s, and they didn't understand it.