Bank Transfer Gone Missing! Any Help Appreciated



I'll try to cut a long story short here guys, and thanks very much in advance for any help people can give.

I purchased an LCD TV on hire purchase from a HP Company/Bank approx one year ago. The repayments a month are €30.44. I got a letter during the month (Oct) telling me I can avail of 1 year interest free, if i payed the balance. I had intended to do this all along.

The balance had to be paid by Oct 16th, I rang them on Oct 13th and asked if I mailed it would it get to them, and they said send it by bank transfer, which I did on Oct 13th.

I went to my bank, and sent €560 with details (their band acc no, sort code, ref no).

I rang them on Oct 16th to see if the payment went through and they said No! I left it a few days, rang again, and the same..the payment wasnt received.

I went into my bank branch a couple of days ago, and asked them about it, they told me the money had gone through, the bank report which they receive, did not indicate otherwise. They also said that if the payment hadnt gone through, it would have flagged and they would have rang me.

I rang the HP/Bank and told them this and they still said the same. I asked to speak to a manager/supervisor and they asked me for the receipt which I got, but I dont have it, I misplaced it.

I told them, my bank manager said the cash went through, and he said that they get sent the main part of the lodgement form, they still said they havent received it.

I also have to point out, my bank manager said that the HP/Bank involved are not very highly thought of, which was no surprise as I google'd them!

Now my bank say they have it, the HP crowd say they dont! Any ideas what I can do?

Im thinking of cancelling the direct debit on my account, sending them a letter of complaint, and if not successful contacting the financial ombudsman! If all that fails, I will contact a solictor!

I cant see how they can say the money wasnt received, when all the account details were correct etc.

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks alot
As a first step I suggest ask your bank for a copy of the payment, they should be able to get that for you easily enough and send that to the company as proof that you made the payment on the date stated etc.
Is this easily obtainable from them, does the fact that I paid the transfer in cash matter? Are they obliged to give it to me?

The reason I ask is they have never suggested it at all?

Thanks alot for your response
They should be able to provide you with some proof of the payment such as a copy of the credit or some kind of a print out from their records that shows you paid it. The fact that it was cash shouldnt matter. If you, by any chance, took the cash from your account on the day to pay, that could also come in useful for you as proof. Best of luck with it. I know it's a very frustrating situation. I would try this first before thinking about going the solicitor route.