My credit card debt.
Make sure you have any correspondence between you and the bank regarding your offer of 20 euros per week .The judge will not take kindly to BOI bringing you to court when you have made an offer.
I have a friend who was in business and had 2 different loans ,one for 40000 euros and the other for over 200,000 euros . The judgement against him was as follows for the 40,000 he is paying 10 per week
for the large amount he is paying 50 per month . He will have to live until he's 600 to pay it back .
The courts realise they cannot get blood from a stone ,always face up to debt and deal with it. Never ever ignore it as it does not go away ,be genuine in any offer and keep all documentation .As I said earlier the Judge will look at the circumstances and from there make a judgement .
Your offer sounded very fair at the begining so BOI are making a total dogs breakfast of your case .
Good luck .