Bank Statement - no retailer name on sterling purchases


Registered User
I recently visited the UK for the first time in a few years.
I paid for a number of transactions using Tap/Debit Card.

When checking my statement later, all the UK (i.e. GBP) transactions had the name of the retailer removed and replaced by a generic code (e.g. C0510GB). Similarly, there were additional transactions for small amounts which turned out to be foreign currrency fees. However, these also had a generic code for them (all are the same - NECLSCHGGBP) with no relationship to any particular transaction.

When I queried with the bank how I was to check these to see if they were correct, they said I could go through them all 1 by 1 on live chat with the bank.
This seems ridiculous to me - they have the retailer name (in fact it does appear for a brief time, but is then replaced by a generic code) - why do they replace it with something generic and essentially meaningless ?

I suppose my bigger question is : are there any standards or code of practice for bank statements ?
Surely the minimum required should be the date, amount, retailer and any currency exchange rate/fees clearly displayed ? Having these anonymised makes no sense to me.
Who can I complain to about this (apart from the bank, of course) ?
Complaining to the bank is a good first step, just complain that you were not provided with the info, say that if not provided you will complain to the regulator. Banks will go to a fair bit of trouble to avoid a complaint to the regulator.

That doesn't answer your broader point, this info should be provided as a matter of course.
Bank of Ireland no doubt. Over a billion spent on updating their systems and they could not get the basics working. You need to send in a 'formal complain' otherwise it goes in the bin.
It was not to me, but Towger's comment would have been unfair, if it had not been BoI.
Ah OK - I thought you might have been aware of it personally. I was surprised that no-one else seemed to have mentioned it online (I searched for anything similar)