Bank refused us a small loan - should we take our custom else where in protest


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Hi there Mr. Bear and I applied for a small loan with BOI. We were refused. The thing is we have savings - which would be more than we were asking for. We have never defaulted on a loan in the past. Outside of our mortgage we have no other debt, our mortgage to income ratio is 36%.

We maintain our Visa card with them (€400) balance at the moment.

What is annoying us - is that we have been very good customers, we saved with the SSIA with them and still get calls about new savings account to sign upto.

I am so annoyed that I want to leave this bank and take my business else where. Am I being hasty in my decision?

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There should be a central customers complaints dept in Head Office.

Ring them and outline your position.

Tell them you can get a loan from another bank and suggest they reconsider.

That should work especially when you make clear you are prepared to close your accounts.
I was told yesterday we would be getting a letter and that we can appeal the decision. I am going to write a stinking to the manager of our branch..
I was told yesterday we would be getting a letter and that we can appeal the decision. I am going to write a stinking to the manager of our branch..
That will just be a standard refusal letter.
I would go in to your branch and demand to see a manager , get a reason for refusal and if you are still unhappy tell him/her that you are cosidering closing your accounts and taking your business elsewhere. I'd also be telling them that I would be spreading the word near and far about the refusal.
In the present climate, credit/underwriting have much more say in whether or not to do business than your branch manager. While the threat to up sticks may have been effective in the past, I'm not so sure it will get you very far today. You would have to be a very important/profitable customer to get this sort of decision turned around at the moment IMHO. That said, nothing to lose by making your point directly to the manager, especially if you are known to them personally.

Either way, it sounds like you have little to lose by taking your business elsewhere, assuming another bank will give you a loan-have you tried Halifax for instance, who seem to be willing to lend at competitive rates at the moment?
Hi there Mr. Bear and I applied for a small loan with BOI. We were refused. The thing is we have savings - which would be more than we were asking for.

There has to be a good reason why they won't loan you your own money ! Ask them why.
I would seriously want to know why you've been refused. Enquire and take it further.
How does it make sense to take out a loan if you already have savings ?
Hi there, the savings we have are a rainy day fund. we have about three months of a rainy day fund and should anything happen either of our jobs we would need this. However if we take out a loan we can pay insuance on it.

At the moment both our jobs are sound, the companies we work for a are solid..
I wouldn't even bother talking to them. I would close all my accounts and go elsewhere.
Before closing i would try another credit institution to make sure i could get the loan just in the odd chance you were refused and then having closed with bank of ireland you might be in an awkard situation. Things are strange nowadays in the credit world.
Hi there, I just got word from Mr Bear that the branch manager has appealed the outcome on our behalf and we have now gotten it!

I rang banking 365 and spoke to someone in lending stating my disappointment at the outcome and that we would be leaving...
.. Pays to complain...
have you ever thought about opening an account with the credit union.I have never dealt with a bank for loans,always the c.u and i'll always stay with the c.u as long as i have no problems with them.
We do have a CU account and it has been on my mind to start putting money back into it - as they are great for small loans - but they are expensive too..
I see why you are annoyed but if the banks have changed their lending criteria due to the current climate you shouldn't take it personally. It's not about you it's about business. If you like the bank and have a good relationship this shouldn't make you move. If it's any consolation my bank have told me I probably won't be able to get a loan either and like you I have a perfect record and this bank told me that they don't believe the big 2 are giving out loans either despite what they are saying.