Bank refuse business overdraft



Our bank has refused overdraft with 2 of the directors offering personal guarantees. Any ideas where or who to approach next?
Alittle more detail would be helpful. Is this a start up or has the Company a track record. are business plans available. Are personal guarantees supported. There are numerous other aspects required before someone could assess the position.
Small family run business for over 40 years with good track record except not a great end of year result but not surprising considering the battering retailers are receiving. Have plans for bringing the business forward but need funds to keep us afloat. Not giving up though. Personal guarantees supported by our respective homes and mortgages. No access to cash which bank are looking for to put into a lien account! If we had the cash we wouldnt be looking to the bank. Incidentally the bank is not one of those covered by government guarantees so perhaps that is partly the problem. Do you think those that are covered would be more amenable?