Bank Reference


Registered User
A friend of mine is having quite a lot of difficulty getting a bankers reference regarding their current account.

He needs the reference to conduct business with a company overseas.

The bank feels they are not obliged to give a reference good bad or in- different and said it was not normal practice.

Surely that cannot be right.
I never heard about a bank giving a 'reference' on an account. Can't imagine why any bank would want to put themselves in that position.
Thanks for your reply Sunny.

The bank told him that his bank statements should be good enough but the company insist that it is normal practice to get a reference/status enquiry.
I might be wrong. I just never heard of it. They seem to be almost asking for audited statements. What exactly is the bank supposed to say in the reference?
They gave an example of three different references:

1. Respectable, considered good for your enquiry
2. Respectable, but unable to speak for your figure
3. Unable to speak for your enquiry

This company is based in the UK and refuse to do business without it.
I was going to ask where he was doing business with.

This comany seem to be making it very hard for your friend....maybe they dont need the business.

As sunny i have never heard of getting a "reference" from a bank. Usually a copy of your statement will have all the information. I have heard of a company requesting a reference from another supplier ( when credit is being given ).

One personal experience i had was trying to get a fuel card for a business. They insisted that we include a reference from another company that provided us with credit. After 10 different ways of trying to get across that we had never had to use credit from anyone it was finally declined. We did appeal this and was finally approved but it took some doing.
A friend of mine is having quite a lot of difficulty getting a bankers reference regarding their current account.

He needs the reference to conduct business with a company overseas.

The bank feels they are not obliged to give a reference good bad or in- different and said it was not normal practice.

Surely that cannot be right.

I heard of one person getting it. I would not think it should be that hard to get. All they have to say is how long you had the account and that you kept account within terms and conditions.

I sure they have to give out a letter of good standing every so often.

I would Talk to Bank Manager about it. I sure the bank would have a standard letter with a disclaimer to cover them.
I agree Papervalue. I also spoke to somebody over the weekend who got one from their Bank Manager. Its just another scenario of banks making life more difficult:rolleyes:
Given a set of bank statements (with originals to back them up!) it sounds more like the potential business contact is the one being difficult. Chances are it is a symptom of the malaise of mistrust that has hit all businesses in the last year.