J JJ1982 Registered User Messages 202 17 Apr 2008 #1 Hi Anyway heard the above, that BOSI are offering no fixed rates to new customers?
S SISSOKO Registered User Messages 117 17 Apr 2008 #2 PTSB are no longer offering one year fixed.............
C Camry Guest 17 Apr 2008 #3 The swap curve has blown back out. There was a brief window that allowed some good 2 year deals to be funded, but that has now closed.
The swap curve has blown back out. There was a brief window that allowed some good 2 year deals to be funded, but that has now closed.
L LDFerguson Registered User Messages 4,779 17 Apr 2008 #4 The official line is that rates are under review and they will be back to offer new fixed rates in due course.
The official line is that rates are under review and they will be back to offer new fixed rates in due course.